Celebrities who passed away

Why this
This is a really interesting niche with millions of views per month. The videos are very simple to create and have a large audience. And most importantly, there is much to improve on what the competition is currently doing!
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2.United Kingdom
- 3.Canada
- 4. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Tribute Channel
Topic analysis
Video rating
Video analysis
Using real photo's of the case
Real photos, real videos, real newspaper articles are always super essential to have in your video. My advice is to collect as many of these as possible to make your video the best it can be. People love real footage, even if the quality is not that good. It's about people seeing something real. After all, that's a big reason why people are on Youtube instead of Netflix. Because with Youtube, they can see real footage, from real true stories.
Naming the cause of death
Throughout my research, I came across several comments from people who said they liked knowing the cause of death.
Bad intro
The first 5 seconds of your video are crucial because that is when people decide whether or not they want to watch your video. Anyone who has clicked on the video wants to get what he has clicked on as soon as possible, or else they will leave. People will drop off quickly if you start with a general intro and then talk about what your channel is about. Just start with the case; the rest of the introduction is unnecessary.
Boring video editing
No background music, long clips, no transitions, sound effects, I can go on forever on this part. There is so much room for improvement here, but I think everyone can see that, even if you're a beginner.
Normally, I'd say delete this section because there's almost nothing going on (because it's a tribute), but that also leaves a lot of room for people to leave because they're getting not triggered in any way. But maybe this is something that people really appreciate in these videos, so you should try it out and see what happens in those moments in your AVD statistics.
Transitions between cases are now typically in the form of a "top 10" list. For example, they might start with one case and then move on to the next by saying something like this: Number 2, (celebrity name), and then continue the story. First of all, I want to say that this is not necessarily wrong, but I believe there is a much better method. If you have multiple cases in a single video, try to combine them into a single story. As an example, your first case ends like this: ''His contributions to the industry will never be forgotten" What this channel currently would say to go to the next is something like: "Number 2, (celebrity name)" but if you change the transition to something like this: ''His contributions to the industry will never be forgotten" But if there is anyone who will never be forgotten for what he has done in the past, it is *name of celebrity*.
By doing this, people won't even realize they're in the next story. Which means your video will be watched for much longer and get better results. (this is also why I would delete the tribute part because you can do it otherwise).
Title analysis
Some titles are fine, while others are completely misplaced. This channel clearly does not understand what they are doing, so there is much room for improvement here.
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Tribute Channel
Used trigger words
- Legends
- Died
- Today
- Last 24 hours
- Big Stars
- Famous
- Celebrities
- Icons
- Actor
- R.I.P
- Stars
- Legendary
- Recently
- Moviestar
- Singer
- Rapper
Thumbnail analysis
Tribute Channel
Used thumbnail 1
❌ So much is wrong here...
Long texts, no color in the image, black background, doesn't trigger in any way besides if someone knows her, confusing text. This video had 123K views, imagine what this video could have done with a way better thumbnail.
Tribute Channel
Used thumbnail 2
❌ Chaotic
This thumbnail is complete chaos and I don't know where to look. Lots of faces and all kinds of things in the background. This is a great example of people wanting to add too much in a thumbnail. Only thing that works in this thumbnail is probably BREAKING DIED TODAY
Tribute Channel
Used thumbnail 3
❌ Not triggering
This thumbnail is not triggering. No text, just a random image. The title was most likely the only thing that carried this video, but definitly not the thumbnail.
Tribute Channel
Used thumbnail 4
Tribute Channel
Revenue analysis
This channel receives 1.8 million views per month, so there is plenty of room for improvement. Think about what this channel might do if all of these factors were improved. One thing should be mentioned about the RPM: Because of some comments from people who don't like the ads on the videos, the RPM may be on the low side. Nobody likes ads, but that means they irritate people and make them less likely to click on them, resulting in a lower RPM. On the other hand, this is an older US audience in the celebrity niche (which advertisers love), which may result in a higher RPM than stated here.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Famous Actors
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Straight to the point
This video gives you right away the value you want as a viewer in the first seconds of the video. No lengthy intro, you get to see right away what you clicked for, so this is very good start to the video!
Boring editing
This video editing can be much better, there are no effects, boring slides...I notice anyway that a lot of channels in this niche have the same editing style, and they really should be able to do much better that this. Try to incorporate some more clips into the video, add more (sound) effects, background music, and some triggering transitions. As I mentioned before, if you make the editing better then it already becomes much more interesting to watch.
Bad pronunciation
While doing my research, I found out that many people in this niche do not like it when an AI-Voice is used in the videos. Why? Because the names of the people who died are not pronounced correctly. There is also no emotion in this voice, if you do choose to take an AI voice make sure you don't make it as flat as this one, otherwise it becomes such a monotonous video. Especially in this niche it is important to make videos with respect towards the deceased, because it is a more sensitive topic. You'd better invest in a good voice actor so these mistakes can't be made.
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Famous Actors
Used trigger words
- Famous Celebrities
- Famous Actors
- Died Today
- Last few days
- Last week
- Famous Actors
- Died Recently
- Passed Away
- Famous People
- American Actors
Thumbnail analyses
Famous Actors
Used thumbnail 1
❌ Very confusing
When I saw this thumbnail I really had to laugh. Because now it looks like the presenter died, it's so confusing...The combination of her picture and the text just doesn't make sense.
Famous Actors
Used thumbnail 2
❌ Overwhelmed
Because humans are assumed to look at faces, a human face is a major focal point. As a result, the viewer will be overwhelmed by this thumbnail and will not click.
Famous Actors
Used thumbnail 3
❌ No trigger points
I think I don't have to explain anything here. It's just a picture and nothing more. Would never recommend this.
Famous Actors
Used thumbnail 4
Tribute Channel
Revenue analyses
This channel's last upload was 4 months ago, and they still get 900K views per month. That's a huge benefit! So imagine what the revenue could be if you upload every day and improve everything
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
Where do I find topics?
Go to google.com --> Type in "dies at" or "died at"--> filter on "news
Now you'll find a whole list of people who died at and are famous at the same time, otherwise it wouldn't be in the news.
Where do I find content?
When you have found someone who passed away, just simple google their name into Google, YouTube, Twitter etc. and you'll find a lot of content.
You can take whoever you want, but whoever I choose, I already consider how to highlight this in the title and thumbnail. That is critical. So, using the methods described above, I discovered a deceased two-time Super Bowl champion. That's interesting because there is probably a lot of content to find.
Then you'll need to find some more stories to fill out this video. It is not a problem if someone died yesterday and you mentioned it in your title, for example: 11 CELEBRITIES WHO DIED TODAY. The competition is doing the same thing, and I couldn't find any comments complaining about it. As long as the first story is (the main character) died today. But for this example, let's say we have found 11 stories about famous people who died today, and maybe some yesterday or two days ago.
Title example
Thumbnail example
Try out
We don't have any proof that this will work, but I believe this thumbnail strategy will be far more triggering than the "breaking news" thumbnails. If this doesn't work, you can always go back to that format.
Finding the right picture
What we learned from our analysis is that it is extremely important for people to know what happened. That's also a very human reaction. Think about it: what was your first reaction when you heard someone had died? You want to know what happened, don't you?
People are watching YouTube because they want to see real footage. If they want to watch fake footage, they will watch Netflix. As a result, thumbnails created from real videos are always extremely effective on YouTube.
So, in my opinion, the combination of these two factors is ideal for this thumbnail strategy. So we'll have to look for videos on YouTube of the main character doing "normal" things. So what I mean with that is DON'T look for videos of the main character on a podium, on TV, or performing, for example. We'll look for videos where we can take a screenshot from and assume that these are some of his final moments because that's what people want to see.
So I came across this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KfDLQ_Vw38
And I took a screenshot:

End result

For this thumbnail format using text like "FINAL MOMENTS" "LAST MOMENTS" "DIED AFTER" "JUST DIED" will be extremly effective
The character in the original image was wearing a grey t-shirt, which did not stand out. So I changed the color of his shirt to green to create a strong contrast with the background from YouTube and the red arrow.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Appreciation, honors and respect
This target group indicates several times that they appreciate the channel because they feel that the deceased are not forgotten in this way. It is a very loving audience, even if they do not know the persons in the video they will still express their condolences.
The audience of this niche is a bit older as you can see. I see many comments where people name their own age, and that they get memories from watching videos like this about the 'good old days.'
What does the audience not like?
Bad research
Good research in this niche is very important. Especially since in this niche we talk about people who passed away, you will be more likely to be called on it if you haven't done the proper research.
Missing on ''the list''
There may be discussions among videos if people feel their idol has not been mentioned in the list.
Bad pronunciation
Good pronunciation/a good voiceover is very important in this niche. What happens to you if you are watching a video about your idol, and that name is mispronounced? Chances are you'll be gone immediately.