Analysed by 
YouTube Automation Expert

Rescued Cats

This niche was published on
Jan 4, 2024
Mother Cat GOT ABUSED, Then a MIRACLE Happened!
1.3M views · 2 days ago
Rescued Cats
Rescued Cats
Rescued Cats
Rescued Cats

Why this



I discovered several channels that began a few months ago and are now receiving millions of views per month. Then I discovered that, similar to the Animal Birth niche, the same audience is looking to these kinds of videos, so we know exactly how to trigger them. Great niche with a lot of potential views!

Success chance


Saturation level


Experience level




Male audience
Female audience
  • 1. United States
  • 2. Canada
  • 3. United Kingdom
  • 4. Australia
  • 5. Europe
Average age


What does the audience like?


Mother cats and poor kittens

One of the most common comments are about how this target audience enjoys watching how a mother cat would do anything for her kittens. They love seeing poor cats being rescued.


Emotional stories

Many emotions are released by this target group when they watch these videos. They experience sadness when they see the terrible situation the cats are in and experience happiness  when the cats are rescued and live a better life.



What does the audience not like?

not like


I have not been able to find any comments where it becomes clear what this target group does not like. Their love for cats is real, and especially for mother cats with kittens.

not like



Competition ANALYSIS

These channels are showing potential for this niche.

These competition channels do not have a voice-over, so doing a video analysis on these videos doesn't make much sense because you have to add a voice over to make them monetizable. So I would recommend taking a look at the Animal Birth niche as well to see a video analyses that matches your video format more.

Jan 1, 2024
Aug 1, 2023
4-14 min
25 videos

Cat Angels United

Topic analysis

After the accident, she was left on the side of the road, no one stopped the car to help her!
7.3M views 4 months ago
Motherless Kitten was Losing his Breath And No One Cared!
530K views • 4 months ago
Mother cat training her kitten how to catch a bird and kitten is so excited
10K views • 2 weeks ago
Mother cat training her kitten how to catch a bird and kitten is so excited
10K views • 2 weeks ago

This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement

Video rating

Video analysis


Click on timestamp


Quick start with a note

It's great to see that they get right into the story without any unnecessary explanation. However, it takes a few seconds before you see the injured mother cat, which is where the viewer has clicked. So I'd recommend starting with that clip right away.



Because there is no voice over, they use subtitles to tell the story. I would recommend leaving them in because more and more people are watching videos on YouTube with their volume low or off, and by having subtitles, they can still watch your video. And also, by having subtitles, people can follow your video a bit better if their English is not good enough.


Emotional background music

By adding emotional background music with calm tones, you can really drag the viewer into the story, something they do very well here.



No voice over

You must use a voice over if you want to monetize your channel. It is possible to monetize your channel using only text, but I would not recommend to take the risk. And with a voice over, you can tell the story much more effectively and draw the viewer into your story.



You can see that the kittens have been rescued after 1 minute and 21 seconds, which is bad for your AVD. People will click away if they see everything is fine, so you must show this clip all the way to the end of your video. So you have to stretch your video more and show how injured the cats are etc. You can do that by using some great hooks in your script to trigger the viewer as an example:  
- But if you thought it couldn't get any worse, you really need to see this....
- When you thought you had already seen the worst, just take a look at...
- Will these cats still have a chance to survive or is the end near...

The Mother Cat Was Struggling For Survive And Kitten's Cry for Help. A miracle happened
1.2M views • 4 months ago


Click on timestamp


This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement


Title analysis

Cat Angels United

Used title 1

After the <span class="text-color-orange">accident,</span> she was left on the side of the road, and no one stopped the car to help her!

If someone has the time to read it all the way through, I can see why this title worked. But that's also a problem with this title, it's way too long, and the words will fall off your YouTube screen. So keep your titles strong and tight with emotional trigger words. Something like this for example:


Cat Angels United

Used title 2

<span class="text-color-orange">Poor</span> <span class="text-color-yellow">cat</span> was <span class="text-color-red">living his last moments</span> on the roadside but no one came to help him!

Again, this title is far too long and could be better and shorter structured. For example:

Abused Cat Lives LAST MOMENTS, then SHOCKED everyone!

You can use this structure over and over:
1. Trigger word + name = Poor Cat/Abandoned Cat/Abused Cat
2. What is happening = Lives LAST MOMENTS/ GOT HIT
3. End with triggering statement= SHOCKED everyone/But then THIS HAPPENDS!

Cat Angels United

Used title 3

The <span class="text-color-yellow">Mother Cat</span> Was <span class="text-color-orange">Struggling</span> For <span class="text-color-orange">Survive</span> And <span class="text-color-yellow">Kitten's</span> Cry for Help. <span class="text-color-orange">A miracle happened</span>

Also here, this title is too long. Use the same strategy from title 1 and 2 and your title will look like this:

Mother Cat ALMOST DIED But Then A Miracle Happend!


Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:

Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)

Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)

Cat Angels United

Used trigger words

  • Poor Cat
  • Mother Cat
  • Survive
  • Struggling
  • Kittens
  • Abandoned Cat
  • Homeless Kittens
  • Motherless Kitten
  • Worried Mother Cat
  • A Dying Cat
  • Last Moments
  • Grown Up Kittens
  • Rescue Baby Cats
  • Hidden
  • Rescue Kitten
  • No Sign of Life

This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement


Thumbnail analysis

Cat Angels United

Used thumbnail 1

✅ Using real pictures

This channel's target audience are clearly mothers and women, as this thumbnail have over 7 million views. It's not the most shocking thumbnail because they have more shocking ones, but showing a poor looking cat giving milk to their kittens on the streets is apparently triggering enough for this audience to give it so many views.

Cat Angels United

Used thumbnail 2

✅ Triggering photo

This is exactly what I mean by a shocking photo. On these kind of thumbnails, you don't have to add any text or arrows because it's already shocking enough. Always remember, less is more.

Cat Angels United

Used thumbnail 3

❌ No text

This would have been a perfect thumbnail where you have to include a good triggering text. This thumbnail tells a story as you can see, the mother cat looks frightened and the kittens are in the hands of someone else. And by adding the text: ADOPTED! You will have a way more triggering thumbnail.

Cat Angels United

Used thumbnail 4

Cat Angels United

Revenue analysis

Monthly views
RPM prediction
Monthly income
Yearly income
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Jan 1, 2024
May 17, 2023
5-14 min
13 videos

Street Cat Savers

Topic analyses

Mother Cat Worried Because Her Kitten Is Showing No Sign Of Life!
9.3M views • 6 months ago
Homeless kittens crying out loud for Mother cat
82K views • 7 months ago
Worried mother cat doesn't want anyone to take her tiny kitten away!
7.3K views • 1 month ago
Worried mother cat doesn't want anyone to take her tiny kitten away!
7.3K views • 1 month ago

Video rating

Video analyses



Great start!

This is what I mean by show immediately that the cats are not doing well. If you compare this to competition channel 1, these are better clips to show as the first seconds of your video, because you give them right away what they want to see.


Dramatic background music

This channel also makes good use of the right dramatic/sad background music, bringing the viewer even more into the story.


Building tension in the story

Despite this channel not having a voice over, they build the tension well in the video. They show that it is a rainy day, and that he suddenly heard a poor cat meowing. These are all important details to drag people into a story. The viewer gets curious and wants to know what is going on, a good trick to keep the viewer watching as long as possible is to start naming these details and hooks in your script.


Poor cat vs healthy cat

What's great about this video is that unlike channel 1, they wait longer with the clips where the cats starting to get healthy again. This takes at least 6 minutes in this video what is great because you don't want to show that part to fast. Keep the tension high, and trigger them a lot to watch the video until the end.



No voice over

Again, no voice over. As I mentioned on competition channel 1, you need a voice to get a better story and a higher chance to get monetized.

Mother Cat Worried Because Her Kitten Is Showing No Sign Of Life!
9.3M views • 6 months ago




Title analyses

Street Cat Savers

Used Title 1

People Made this <span class="text-color-yellow">Kitten</span> <span class="text-color-orange">Aggressive And Spicy</span> But He Loves To Cuddle Now!

They use the same title style as competition channel 1. Also here, the titles are too long and I would choose a different structure as I explained.

When you use the title strategy from channel 1 your title will look like this:

Aggressive Kitten GOES TOO FAR, then SHOCKED Everyone!

Street Cat Savers

Title 2

<span class="text-color-orange">Homeless</span> <span class="text-color-yellow">kittens</span> crying out loud for <span class="text-color-yellow">Mother Cat</span>

This title is shorter and better but it's not shocking enough. The target audience likes videos where cats (mainly mother cats with kittens) are abandoned/abused and eventually get better. They need to think: What? This is really bad, I need to see this video! How is this possible.. Let them experience the emotions they are looking for. As an example:

Abandoned Kittens LEFT For DEAD But Then This Happend!

Street Cat Savers

Title 3

<span class="text-color-orange">Worried Mother</span> <span class="text-color-red">yellow</span> trying to wake up her <span class="text-color-yellow">kitten</span> but the <span class="text-color-orange">poor</span> <span class="text-color-yellow">kitten</span> didn't respond!

This title is a better title and more into the format I suggested, but it is just too long. The main issue with these titles is that you can't read them completely because YouTube doesn't allow that, and most people don't have the time to read such long titles. Try to find a balance to keep as short and triggering as possible.


Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:

Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)

Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)

Street Cat Savers

Used trigger words

  • Mother Cat
  • No Sign Of Life
  • Accident
  • Kitten
  • Poor Kitten
  • Homeless kitten
  • Rescue Kittens
  • Abandoned
  • Lost Mother
  • Survive
  • Worried Mother Cat
  • Tiny Kitten


Thumbnail analyses

Street Cat Savers

Used thumbnail 1

✅ Triggering photo

This channel also uses this thumbnail style as channel 1, so it doesn't make sense to go into the same details here, but I'd like to mention that this is a good intense photo that will definitely trigger the target audience because you see that the cats are in a really bad shape. Go for shocking pictures of a mother cat with kittens where you can clearly see that they are in a bad situation. A bad fur, miserable eyes, poor cats that are painted, left for dead... The more shocking the better.

Street Cat Savers

Used thumbnail 2

Street Cat Savers

Used thumbnail 3

Street Cat Savers

Used thumbnail 4

Cat Angels United

Revenue analyses

Monthly views
RPM prediction
Monthly income
Yearly income
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research

Did you check the other competitor channel?

We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.

Check it out
If you checked all of them, keep scrolling

Lets create

your video

Who is our target audience?

American mothers and women between the age of 25 and 50 that are interrested in video documentaries between 8-15 minutes about cats getting rescued


Topic example

Where can you find topics?

Our analyses revealed that the target audience is primarily mothers and women, so I would recommend starting with topics about mother cats/kittens being rescued.

YouTube: Many organizations rescue cats and post videos of them on their YouTube channels. Those channels are likely less concerned about copyright issues because they make a living from donations and showing their work. What I would suggest is that you use their videos and give them a big shout-out in your video, and if they have a donation link, ask your viewers to make a donation and include it in the description. Because by doing this, you helping them and your chances of receiving a copyright strike will be significantly reduced. And if you're lucky, you can get a cooperation with them where they can provide more exclusive content to you. Here are some channels:

https://www.youtube.com/@CatAngelsUnited/videos (Donation link in video description)

https://www.youtube.com/@streetcatsavers (Donation link in video description)

https://www.youtube.com/@KLGamingX-ur8pp/videos (Give shout-out)

Start a private window in your web browser and navigate to YouTube to find more channels. Watch some of these channels' videos and try to get into that algorithm. This will result in new videos being recommended on the homepage or in the recommended section.

Important note:

Try to make your video as unique as possible by adding articles, pictures, animations etc. to prevent getting a reused content warning from YouTube.

TikTok: I simply typed "cat rescued" into the TikTok search bar and discovered plenty of channels that provide this content. Here are a few examples, but there are many more:


Important note:

The only thing to watch out for on TikTok is that people post videos from all over the place, so you don't know if you're taking copyrighted content or not. So, before you use content, do some additional research on where these channels obtained it.


I chose a topic from the Street Cat Savers channels because I believe it is one of the save option because you can give them a big shout-out in your video and a donation link to help them out. Looking at the video, I also saw a great opportunity to take a screenshot for the thumbnail. This is also very important when selecting a topic. You must ensure that there's a emotional moment in the video you can take a screenshot from

Articles/video references


Title example

Mother Cat GOT ABUSED, Then a MIRACLE Happened!

Title format

I chose to use the same title format as I suggested in the competition title analyses. You can use this title format for all of your videos by changing some words.



Thumbnail example

Title format

According to our competition analysis, it is best to use a screenshot of your video at a point when the mother cat is looking sad and has kittens around her. So I did exactly that, and I took a screenshot at this moment:


End result

Mother Cat GOT ABUSED, Then a MIRACLE Happened!
1.3M views · 2 days ago

What did I do?

You can't do much with these thumbnails, so all I did was apply some brightness filters and sharpen the screenshot. Then I added triggering text and an arrow because I think it improves the thumbnail slightly, but I think you'll get a great result even if you don't. Because that's what the competition channels are showing.

Articles/video references


Creating the title


Thumbnail example


End result

Mother Cat GOT ABUSED, Then a MIRACLE Happened!
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Articles/video references


Creating the title


Thumbnail example


End result

Mother Cat GOT ABUSED, Then a MIRACLE Happened!
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Let’s talk


👀 Possible views

🤝 Cost per video

💰 RPM prediction

🏧 Income prediction

Cartoon prison sentence
Cartoon prison sentence
Cartoon prison sentence
Cartoon prison sentence

Important note

This is one of the older niches from Faceless Niches. And because of that, we cannot guarantee that all of the data in this niche is still relevant today. You can see in the competition analyses when we updated this niche last.

Before diving into any niche on Faceless Niches, we always suggest doing your own research as well. But because this is an older niche, it is even more important to do that.