Analysed by 
YouTube Automation Expert

Interesting Facts

This niche was published on
Jan 19, 2024
Most INSANE Last-Minute Decisions That Changed History
1.3M views · 2 days ago
Interesting Facts
Interesting Facts
Interesting Facts
Interesting Facts

Why this



Really interesting niche because I discovered many channels that have just begun but have already had millions of views. It's not the simplest niche because you must look for a team with a sense of humor, but if you can find these people, there is a lot of potential in this one.

Success chance


Saturation level


Experience level




Male audience
Female audience
  • 1. United States
  • 2. United Kingdom
  • 3. Canada
  • 4. Australia
  • 5. Europe
Average age


What does the audience like?


Funny animations

A niche full of humor while still discussing serious topics. People love the way the story is told, and mainly the humor they use. The target audience really enjoys these kinds of funny animation videos.


History facts

If you look at the niche itself, it's mostly about historical, interesting facts. And so the target audience really likes these interesting facts.



What does the audience not like?

not like


I have not been able to find any comments that this audience does not like. This target group likes to watch funny animation videos, that deal with historical interesting facts.

not like



Competition ANALYSIS

These channels are showing potential for this niche.

There are many channel in this niche that just started out and are performing great. It didn't make much sense to do another second channel analysis because all these channels are doing the same thing, so that's why I will leave the other channel links down below:

- https://www.youtube.com/@TrustMeBroOfficial/videos

- https://www.youtube.com/@CrazyContextAnimation/videos

- https://www.youtube.com/@JrResearch/videos

- shttps://www.youtube.com/@Sicknessanimation/videos

- https://www.youtube.com/@Casual_History_/videos

Jan 16, 2024
Sep 1, 2023
10-20 min
7 videos

Good Enough

Topic analysis

The Worst Punishments in Human History
7M views • 3 months ago
Top 10 Animals That Love Being High
3.6M views • 4 months ago
The Most Terrifying Cults to Ever Exist
1.1M views • 4 days ago
The Most Terrifying Cults to Ever Exist
1.1M views • 4 days ago

This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement

Video rating

Video analysis


Click on timestamp


Straight to the point, but...

This is one of the reasons why the target audience enjoys watching this channel so much. They are straight to the point, have no long boring intros and give the viewer directly what they are looking for. But... We see a typical top 10 video here. As I have explained in other niches, I am not a fan of this. I believe there is a much better method. If you have multiple cases in a single video, try to combine them into a single story. What this channel currently say to go to the next case is: "Number 9" but if you change the transition to something like this:

But if you found this a tough one, then it only gets worse for you because this *name of punishment method* is even more shocking.

By doing this, people won't even realize they're in the next story. Which means your video will be watched for much longer and get better results.


Animation combined with real footage

Even though the video consists mainly of animations, here we see that there is also real footage in the video. By adding this to the video, viewers can get a better idea of the story. So I would also use real footage in this niche, exactly as they do here.


Sound effects

Adding these kinds of sound effects allows viewers to experience the story even more intensely. And also because this is a different kind of sound effect. You literally get the feeling that you can hear the rats run. So I would definitely recommend this to use in this niche.


Great hook

''But it didn't stop there..''

Even though this is a very short sentence, I still think it's a good hook. If you add hooks like this more often in your script, you will make the viewer keep watching the video longer and longer. Because such a simple sentence gives them a little trigger each time to continue watching. Great hook!



One of the reason why viewers like this channel so much is because of the details. I saw this comment with many likes:

''Can we talk about how the expressions in the animation, especially when they depict horrid emotions, are so sordid? That is talent''

So it's clear that the audience love the details this channel shows. And here we see a good example of that. Look closely at the days being counted on the wall, how the ''prisoner'' turns into a skeleton surrounded by the rats. By adding details like this you get more and more into the story so I would definitely ask the editor to show details in the video like this.



And last but not least, humor. This is actually maybe one of the biggest reasons why people like this channel so much. They make it personal here, make jokes, and really tell the story in a fun way. This is something you have to be able to understand, because if you don't understand this niche then it's going to be difficult. So the most important thing is to find a good script maker who can tell a good story in a entertaining way.


I couldn't find any other don'ts in this video, besides that I personally wouldn't choose a typical top 10 video as I explained at the intro. Overall, this is a very good video, and I understand very well why this video has been viewed more than 7M+ times. The most important thing is to understand this target audience well, use humor and really tell the story in a entertaining way with a lot of details and hooks.

The Worst Punishments in Human History
7M views • 3 months ago


Click on timestamp


This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement


Title analysis

Good Enough

Used title 1

<span class="text-color-orange">The Worst Punishments</span> in <span class="text-color-yellow">Human</span> History

A good title! And what I see them doing with a lot of titles is using this strategy:

  1. [The Worst] = Triggerword
  2. [Punishments] = Topic

And I think that's a very good strategy because so they start with trigger word + topic. So that way you always have the 'shocking' part at the beginning of the title, and also the title doesn't get too long. Besides, you can apply this title strategy to all titles because you can easily change the trigger words. For example like this:

  1. [Most TERRIFYING] Punishments
  2. [The DEADLIEST Punishments
  3. [Most HORRIFIC] Punishments

Good Enough

Used title 2

<span class="text-color-orange">The Deadliest Foods</span> in the World

Because this channel use the same strategy on almost every title, i can not go further in details about this title, other than that's again, a great title. You can definitely take this as an example if you want to start in this niche. Keep it short, triggering and clear.

Good Enough

Used title 3

<span class="text-color-red">The Most Terrifying Cults</span> to <span class="text-color-red">Ever Exist</span>

Again, great title! And the same strategy again. Definitely how I would fill in my titels in this niche.


Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:

Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)

Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)

Good Enough

Used trigger words

  • Deadliest
  • Deadliest Man
  • The Failed Cures
  • Terrifying
  • Cults
  • Failed Cures
  • Being High
  • Worst Punishments

This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement


Thumbnail analysis

Good Enough

Used thumbnail 1

❌ Using the same text as the title

If there is anything I would never do on a thumbnail, then it's this. Using the exact same text on the thumbnail as the title. Instead, you want to trigger people with a few short words that are different from the title. And why would you put the exact same text 2 times anywhere? It's a waste because people will read the same thing 2 times. Always try not to use more than 2 or 3 words on the thumbnail. So, if your title is this for example:

The Worst Punishments in Human History

Then I would start thinking about 2 or 3 trigger words that fit well with this title. You want the title to reinforce the thumbnail, or vice versa.

For the text on the thumbnails I would use something like this:


Good Enough

Used thumbnail 2

❌ Too much chaos

This is something that they do on almost every thumbnail, and don't get me wrong because it works. But if you ask me, it's way too much, there are no focus points. I would try to tell the story with the thumbnail,  in animation style because this audience loves that so much. I watched the video again and stopped the video at an image where they showed a gruesome punishment method:

Here you can really see much better what is going on and what the video is about. If you change the background color to white, and make the expression on the faces even more extreme than what it is now, and add some red (blood) so that there is more color in the thumbnail. Then if you use the text from thumbnail 1: SHOCKING TRUTH! I think the message of the thumbnail is much clearer, and it is easy for the target audience to look at it and see in split seconds what is happening.

Good Enough

Used thumbnail 3

Good Enough

Used thumbnail 4

Good Enough

Revenue analysis

Monthly views
RPM prediction
Monthly income
Yearly income
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Jan 16, 2024

Video rating

Video analyses






Title analyses

Used Title 1

Title 2

Title 3


Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:

Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)

Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)

Used trigger words


Thumbnail analyses

Used thumbnail 1

Used thumbnail 2

Used thumbnail 3

Used thumbnail 4

Good Enough

Revenue analyses

Monthly views
RPM prediction
Monthly income
Yearly income
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research

Did you check the other competitor channel?

We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.

Check it out
If you checked all of them, keep scrolling

Lets create

your video

Who is our target audience?

American males between the age of 20-40 that are interrested in video documentaries between 8-15 minutes about interresting facts that are being told in a funny way


Topic example


Because these videos must be presented in a humorous way, having a scriptwriter with a sense of humor is essential. I would rather spend a little more for a truly humorous scriptwriter because they can make or break your video. Then, search for a voiceover that sounds young and personal. He must create a feeling that it's his channel. Then you have to look for a video editor/animator who can generate these scenes. An animator is often more expensive than a video editor, but because these animations are so simple, I don't expect it to be significantly more expensive than a standard video editor.

Aside from that, it is essential that your video editor has a sense of humor as well and, even more importantly, understands your scriptwriter's humor. So I would recommend first selecting a video editor, then looking for a scriptwriter, and discussing the script with your video editor. If he or she understands the comedy, then go for it.

How to find topics?

What's interesting about this niche is that crime/a combination of/history topics work well. As long as they are interesting facts that people were unaware of and may be presented in a humorous way. So I recommend looking at the competition channels and take inspiration from their topics, some from the crime corner and some from the history corner, to see which one goes viral first. Then if you have a viral video on crime for example, expand your channel with more crime topics that are equal to your viral topic.

I chose "Last-minute Decisions that Changed World History," inspired by the "casual history" channel, because it is a topic that not many people are aware of and can be explained in a hilarious way.

Articles/video references


Title example

Most INSANE Last-Minute Decisions That Changed History

Title format

I have used the same title strategy as I suggested in the competition analyses.


Most SHOCKING Last-Minute Decisions That Change Everything!

Most DEADLIEST Last-Minute Decisions That Changed History

And so on.


Thumbnail example

Thumbnail screenshot

Because I don't have an animator on staff, I'll have to take a screenshot from one of the competition's videos. I chose to take a screenshot of this clip because the clip is easy to follow, and it's raises questions. Like, what's going to happen? Did he shoot? etc.


End result

Most INSANE Last-Minute Decisions That Changed History
1.3M views · 2 days ago

What did I do?

I kept it really simple because the simplicity is the power of these thumbnails.

  • I changed the background color from green to black because the green took a lot of attention and I don't want the attention to be on the background.
  • I added the text "GOES WRONG!" and an arrow because that will raise even more questions. Like, what did go wrong? What happenend?

Articles/video references


Creating the title


Thumbnail example


End result

Most INSANE Last-Minute Decisions That Changed History
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Articles/video references


Creating the title


Thumbnail example


End result

Most INSANE Last-Minute Decisions That Changed History
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Let’s talk


👀 Possible views

🤝 Cost per video

💰 RPM prediction

🏧 Income prediction

Women NBA
Women NBA
Women NBA
Women NBA

Important note

This is one of the older niches from Faceless Niches. And because of that, we cannot guarantee that all of the data in this niche is still relevant today. You can see in the competition analyses when we updated this niche last.

Before diving into any niche on Faceless Niches, we always suggest doing your own research as well. But because this is an older niche, it is even more important to do that.