Guard Watch AI

Why this
In this niche, I found a channel that started only 1 month ago and already got over 2.8M views. Plus, since you can create everything with AI, you have endless topic possibilities. The great thing about this niche is that there’s a huge audience you can trigger, but the key is knowing how to do it, because that’s exactly what I’ll explain in this analysis. Disclaimer: this could be a pretty intense niche, and you’ll need to push boundaries and tackle heavy topics to increase your chances of success.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Guard Watch
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Great beginning!
'A rich tourist spat on a royal guard's face believing their famous silence made them weak, but when this decorated veteran finally broke his stance his response didn't just humble the man...'
If you take a look at the title of this video and the first sentence of the script, they really are giving the viewer what they clicked for. And that's one of the most important things to include in your video. Good start!
Using subtitles when you don't have a lot of footage is a smart move because it keeps the video interesting and helps hold the viewer’s attention. When there’s not much to show visually, subtitles can also highlight important things you mention. They also make it easier for viewers to follow, especially if they're a little older.
Nice AI Footage
I really like the quality of the AI photos. They almost look like real images, and that's exactly what you want in this niche. The viewer needs to feel like the story and images are authentic, so they did a great job here.
'A small crowd began to form their own phones raised to capture whatever might unfold...'
One thing you often see in channels made with a lot of AI is that the script is so detailed, you really get pulled into the story. And that’s exactly what they do here. By mentioning that the crowd pulls out their phones, it makes you imagine the scene clearly. It’s a clever trick to increase your AVD because it makes it harder for the viewer to click away. So, if you want to tell longer stories, definitely use a lot of details like they do here.
Bad timing
I’d never do this in the first part of my video, or better yet, I’d just avoid doing it at all. As a viewer, you're just getting into the story, and then it's interrupted by a request to subscribe. Let’s be honest, you only subscribe to a channel if you like the content, so I always find it unnecessary to add these kinds of requests at the start. However, if you really want to ask to subscribe, make sure to do it at the end of the video. Give the viewers what they clicked for first.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Guard Watch
Used trigger words
- Rich tourist
- Entitled karen
- Royal Guard
- Blocks
- Breaks
- Cancer
- Little girl
- Veteran
- Karen
- Slapped
- Tourist
- Punched
- Spitting
- Drunk Guy
- Gun
- Fugitive
- Pushed
- Biker
- Entitled tourist
- Thug
- Bully
- Kicked
- American tourist
- Insulted
Thumbnail analysis
Guard Watch
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Triggering thumbnail, but....
I don’t want to say this is a bad thumbnail because I can see why this audience would click on it. They use great AI images that look so real, you'd almost think it's an actual photo. Also, the thumbnail stands out well because of the bold details in the text and arrow. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the length of the text. Try to not use a maximum of three words, otherwise it can become a bit too chaotic. As we know, people read a thumbnail in split seconds, so that's why you don't want to add too much text.
Guard Watch
Used thumbnail 2
Guard Watch
Used thumbnail 3
Guard Watch
Used thumbnail 4
Guard Watch
Revenue analysis
The RPM in this niche will likely be around $5-8, but this estimate is based on videos that are 20-30 minutes long, similar to what the competition is doing.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Guard Watch
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
If you want to succeed in this niche, it's important to push the boundaries, because if you don't, another channel will. So, it’s up to you whether you want to step into this niche, as it can sometimes go quite far. But that’s also the key to this niche, and that's why I wanted to mention it. So if you’re going to step in, you need to go all in, because otherwise, the chances of success will be smaller. The beauty of this niche is that since everything is created with AI, you don’t need to rely on clickbait and can instead build a real story around it. But again, it’s entirely up to you if you want to start in a niche like this.
How to find topics?
Because you can create everything with AI, you have endless topic options. The crazier, the better. If you take a look at the competition channels, you’ll notice that they also go for the most intense topics, like these 3 most popular ones:
1) Rich Tourist Spat on the Royal Guard's Face
2) Entitled Karen BLOCKS a Marching Royal Guard, and Gets The Shock of her Life
3) Royal Guard BREAKS Protocol for a Little Girl With Cancer
Do you see what they’re doing here? They choose the most intense topics just to grab clicks. Besides, as we can see it’s important to keep in mind that the Karen niche works really well with this niche too. So, there are actually three things you should focus on: Karens, entitled peeople like a rich tourist etc, and 'sick' kids with a heartbreaking story.
ChatGPT: The great thing about this niche is that you can create everything with AI. So, if you know how to work with AI, you can make great use of it in this niche.
To create my own topic in this niche, I took a close look at the competition. Which topics are performing well, and which ones are not? As we know, the ones that clearly stand out are the topics featuring entitled Karens and entitled people taking action against the royal guard. I ended up filtering by the most recent videos and was curious to see which topics were standing out in terms of views from recents uploads, and that's when I came across this one: Royal Guard BREAKS Protocol for a Little Girl With Cancer.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
First, I went to openart.ai and used the following prompt: a royal guard man in red uniform with royal guard head kneeling down to a sick, bald toddler and this is what came out:
Camera Raw Filter in Photoshop
Then, I continued in Photoshop to add some black shadows on the toddler's clothes to make him look a bit dusty. I also used the Camera Raw Filter to adjust the Whiten, Exposure, and Texture to make the colors stand out better.

Add color to create focus points
To make the thumbnail stand out even more, I chose to color the toddler's shirt yellow. This way, the dark shadows I used become even more noticeable. At the end, I also added the red arrow to make it clearer that the text I’ll choose later will align with where the arrow is pointing.

As I said before, in this niche, it's important to go all in with the thumbnail and title. That’s also the reason I chose this text, because in that way, you’re actually combining two triggering topics, which helps us surpass the competition. Again, I completely understand if this isn't your thing, but it’s important to apply this approach if you want to start in this niche. Eventually, if you followed all the steps, your thumbnail will look like this:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Entitled people vs. royal guard
This audience is triggered by watching entitled people in combination with royal guards. People who cause trouble, are rude, or cross the line of respect are something they get really upset about, and they’re more than happy to share their thoughts in the comments.
Sharing their own memories
Sharing their own memories is something they like. This is nice because it may give some inspiration for topics.
What does the audience not like?
Nothing I couldn't find