Islam criticism

Why this
I have found several interesting channels in this niche, where some have only been up for a few weeks and are gaining instant views. The competition channel I found has only been up since May and is already achieving over 5M+ views per month. This shows that the chances of success in this niche are incredibly high, and once you know how to act in this niche, then there could be a lot of views waiting for you. Disclaimer: I can understand that this niche could be triggering because of your religion. I'm just showcasing what is possible within this niche, and you need to decide for yourself if this is within your boundaries. I disassociate myself from anything these channels do.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Australia
- 4. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Murray's provocative debates
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Starting with real footage
Since we know from the comments that this target audience is mainly triggered by real footage, it is almost a must to start your video with real footage. This way you can trigger the target audience right away, which increases the chances of them continuing to watch your video. So make sure you use the most intense clip at the beginning of the video so you give the viewer exactly what they want to watch.
British voice-over
Since this target audience consists mainly from the UK, it is a good move to use a British voice-over. Other than that, I haven't seen any negative comments about the voice itself, although I think there are better voice-overs than this one.
Matching the script to the footage
What we see here is a good transition from the script to the real footage. The voice-over announces the next clip, and it flows well together. So what you hear also matches with what you actually see, and that is important for creating a good video.
Smart trick
''Before we get into Douglas's epic response, let me quickly jump in and define what white savior complex means''
They use a smart trick here to not show the response until later in the video. This is another good way to ensure that the viewer watches your video longer because they want to know what Douglas's response to her question is. A very smart trick, but be careful not to do this too often in your video, otherwise it can become quite frustrating. (more about this at don'ts.)
Again, good script
''Now one of the debaters sitting across from Douglas, another anti-European activist, made a point which drew a resounding applause from the crowd...''
Here we see another great announcement of the next clip because the voice-over indicates that an applause followed from the crowd and that can make the viewer curious about what she is going to say, which results in continue watching the video. They do the same thing at timestamp 5:21. This makes their video very strong and will certainly be one of the reasons why this video has gained so many views. Great hooks!
Trigger your audience
''Personally I think calling these people refugees is according them respect that they do not deserve.''
This is a good example of speaking the same language as your target audience. As we have seen, the comments are full of negative statements towards refugees, migrants, Muslims, etc. So what they are doing well here is really triggering the target audience by speaking the same language as them. I also like the fact that they bring it as their own opinion. The voice over starts with: personally I think that...' and that gives you the feeling as a viewer that there is a real person behind the screen with their own opinion instead of having an AI generated script.
Bad stock footage
As you may know by now, I am not a fan of using stock footage. And if you do have to use it, I wouldn't use stock footage like this because it makes the video look fake. I always say only use stock footage if you have no other option left, it really should be your last option. And if you use it, make sure you avoid faces.
Don't use the same clip
This would have been a good time when I would have clicked away. Why? Because this video is repeating itself here, the same clip is shown after it was also shown 10 seconds ago. You can tell that the video editor probably didn't really know what to place here and therefore chose to use the same clip again. There could have been simply chosen to place some animations or a clip with full text about what the voice-over is discussing.
Wrong timing
As explained at the beginning of this video, Douglas Murray's reaction would be shown later, and that's what happened here. What stands out to me is that the voice-over immediately switches to another topic after we got Murray's reaction, and then they try to use the same trick again: "back to Douglas in a sec," followed by asking viewers to like and subscribe. Don't get me wrong, the trick of delaying Douglas Murray's response to keep viewers engaged is good, but at this point, it becomes too much. This is something that could irritate viewers and eventually cause them to click away. So it's important to use these tricks not too much, and if you do, avoid asking your audience to like and subscribe right after, as it may backfire.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Murray's provocative debates
Used trigger words
- Douglas Murray
- Muslim Girl
- Islam
- Muslim Politican
- Unraveled
- The Dangers
- Heated Debate
- Shuts up
- Dismantles
- Shocks everyone
- Muslim Scholar
- Obliterates
- Muslim
- Insane debats
- Destroyes
- Warning
- Muslim Activist
- Islamists
- Brutal debate
- Demolishes
- Schools
- Woke activists
- Douglas Murray interview
- Killed
Thumbnail analysis
Murray's provocative debates
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Contrast
One of the thumbnails that caught my eye right away during the analaysis was this one. This is a very good thumbnail because of the color combination with green, red and yellow. This creates a lot of contrast in your thumbnail and by using these colors the thumbnail stands out well. They also made good use of the maximum 3 focus points rule: Murray, Muslim woman, text. Besides, I also like that they didn't use more than 2/3 words on the thumbnail. This way the viewer can read what it is all about within a split second. Great thumbnail!
Murray's provocative debates
Used thumbnail 2

✅ Murray VS Muslim woman, but...
What I noticed is that the two most popular videos/thumbnails on our competition channel feature Murray on the left and a woman wearing a Hijab or Niqab on the right. I would recommend doing the same because we know from the comments that this audience is anti-Islam, so placing a woman in a hijab or niqab on the thumbnail is something that will definitely triggers this audience a lot. Besides that, I understand why this audience clicks on the thumbnail, the text makes it seem like they are in a debate, which is exactly what this audience loves to watch. However, as I mentioned with thumbnail 1, I would always try to use a maximum of three words on your thumbnail because it makes it more clear. The viewer can quickly read what it's about, which is important because most people decide whether to click within a split second.
Murray's provocative debates
Used thumbnail 3

❌ Not triggering enough
If the message you want to convey isn't clear, your thumbnail will end up looking like this. This shows how important choosing the right text is on a thumbnail because this isn't triggering enough if you ask me. It's not clear who has instant regret, and the facial expressions are also confusing. Try to tell a story with the thumbnail because that's actually what's missing here. If they had changed the text to something like "YOU'RE BRAINDEAD' and Douglas Murray shown angry and the woke activist looks a bit startled, the message you want to convey becomes much clearer than it is now, and it would have been much more triggering than it is now.
Murray's provocative debates
Used thumbnail 4
Murray's provocative debates
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Murray's provocative debates
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How do I find topics?
Important: This niche is not risk-free when it comes to copyright. To reduce the risk, make sure you don't overplay the clips you want to use in your video. Try to stay under 10 seconds and then let the voice-over speak again. However, it is true that somewhat older clips are less likely to have copyright issues because this is somewhat more time-barred and that is also what I have seen a lot of in this niche. A lot of older interviews are shown where Douglas Murray is speaking and to this day, judging by the views these channels achieved, that still seems to be a very big trigger for this target audience.
YouTube: In this niche, it's important to take a look at what our competition channels are doing. What are their most popular videos? What topics do they cover? I noticed that among the competition channels I looked at, the most popular videos on all three are actually about Douglas Murray debating or in a conflict with a Muslim woman wearing a headscarf on the thumbnail. This seems to be an interesting pattern across these channels that works very well. Just take a look at the 3 titles of their top three videos so you can see the pattern yourself:
• Douglas Murray SILENCES Young Muslim on Free Speech (1.6M+ views)
• Douglas Murray OBLITERATES Muslim Activists With SHOCKING Facts (1M+ views)
• Douglas Murray OBLITERATES Muslim Apologist In Heated Debate (203K views)
Do you see the pattern? These competition channels use the same title structure, only they just use slightly different words. So if you were to ask me what topics are best to choose for in this niche, I would definitely go along with topics about Douglas Murray debating or in a conflict with a Muslim woman because we see very clearly that this works.
You can also find a lot about Douglas Murray on X/twitter. He has his own Twitter account as well where he likes to express his opinions on certain topics
TikTok: On TikTok you can also find lots of clips of Douglas Murray. After some research, I ended up with a page I linked below that posts different clips almost daily with statements of Murray or him in conversation during a debate.
Since we have seen that the topics on our competition channels that deal with Murray having a conversation with a Muslim woman are well received by this audience, I went out to research to see if I could find something similar. I started my search on TikTok and used the keywords Douglas Murray debate Muslim Woman and then came across this clip: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJn7rdq2/
I then started looking on YouTube and saw the video I linked below. As you can see, this topic was posted 1 month ago and still got a lot of views. That gives me confirmation that this topic is still interesting enough to use, and also by the fact that people are still posting comments on the original interview to this day.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
Since we have seen that the thumbnails where Murray is placed on the left and a Muslim woman on the right work well, I want to keep this structure. I went looking for a picture of Douglas Murray where he was angry. Now I have to say that there wasn't much choice on Google so I searched YouTube for a video of him and then took a screenshot exactly at the moment he looked angry.

Take screenshots
The same thing I did with the Muslim woman. I also took a screenshot of her, but at the exact moment she raised her finger. This way it is clear that they are in discussion and that is exactly what this target group likes. The trick I always use is as follows: pause the video and then use the arrow keys at the bottom right. You will see that with this you can very slowly forward the video and get all the facial expressions right in the shot.

Remove background and use Camera Raw Filter
I then removed the background in Photoshop and cut out the Muslim woman and added the camera raw filter in a new layer. I used the following filters: exposure, whiten, texture, sharpen. I also added a line so I could easily place Douglas Murray on the left side.

Creating a new background with Generative Fill
Since I did not like the red background to match the purple tones on the right, I chose to create a new background with Generative Fill in Photoshop. I selected Douglas Murray and then pressed the following keys COMMAND + SHIT + I (rasterize the layer if needed) and then click on generative fill and type in BACKGROUND. You will see that you'll get several suggestions, and the following came out of that:

Color overlay - Hue
I also highlighted the Muslim woman's Niqab so it stands out a bit more. I selected the Niqab and chose color overlay - and then clicked the style Hue. Then I chose to use the text in the form of a news channel so that we don't use exactly the same kind of style and color combination as our competition. So I did keep the structure the same, but made adjustments in style. In fact, this news channel strategy also works well in the Trump Niche, and since this is kind of a similar niche I think it will work well here as well. Since the interviews and debates shown in this niche usually a bit older, I used this style to make it appear recent. Eventually, your thumbnail will end up looking like this:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Douglas Murray
Douglas Murray is a name that often appears in the comments and if we are going to look at the competition channel in a moment you will see that videos that are about him are also the most popular. The comments are full of positive comments about him, and they think everything he says is true.
Anti Islam
One of the most common comments is about Islam. This British target group expresses their strong opinion on this, showing that they are anti Islam and feel that their country is overflowing with immigrants and Muslims.
What does the audience not like?
Too much voice-over, but...
I've also seen some comments mentioning that people sometimes find the voice-over annoying. However, as you can see from this comment, a good voice-over and script can actually add value to the video. We need a voice-over to monetize the channel, so make sure you have a good script, as most people watch these videos primarily for the actual footage where heated conversations take place, such as the statements by Douglas Murray. I'll go into more details about this at the video analysis.