Millionaire AI Stories

Why this
I found a channel in this niche that started only two months ago and already gets over 2.2 million views per month. This American audience loves to watch AI stories that show two opposites coming together. Besides, the content is easy to make, and you can do it all with AI, so your costs stay low. Plus, this channel uses a format with low competition, so once you know how to engage this audience, your chances of success are strong. So, if you're looking for a niche where you can create content easily then this could be the one for you.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Impressive Stories
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Good intro
'Lucas Marshall, a wealthy and arrogant man, agreed to a bet that would change his life in ways he never expected...'
The first sentence of this script instantly grabs attention and makes you ask questions, which is exactly what you want. To find out what changed his life in ways he never expected, viewers won’t be able to look away. That sense of curiosity is probably one of the key reasons why this video has already hit over 2.5 million views.
Adding subtitles in this niche is a smart move, especially since the audience tends to be a bit older. On top of that, they didn’t use much triggering footage, so the subtitles become an important focal point. The only thing I’d change is the placement. Since the text is in the middle, it blocks the background image. It would be better to place the subtitles lower, like most channels do, so viewers can see the full image.
Moving images
Since they don’t switch images often, it would be a good idea to add a subtle moving effect. This makes the images more engaging and helps keep the video interesting to watch.
These are some important points to keep in mind if you want to start in this niche. One reason this script works well is the level of detail they include. To really draw viewers into the story, it’s crucial to add specific details like, "While looking out the window," so the viewer can actually picture the scene in their mind. Once you get viewers to that point, it becomes almost impossible for them to click away because they 'need' to see how the story ends.
Wrong background music
The background music chosen here is definitely the wrong one, which is a missed opportunity because the script itself is good. Just imagine what the right, thrilling background music could do for the video. This video is a great example of how your video can miss the mark if the background music doesn’t fit. Try to go for more thrilling crime sounds, or just build up the tension with some sound effects.
Change in style
What I noticed while watching this video is that they constantly switch between different styles of images. Because of this, the video can become a bit hard to follow. The previous images look more like stock footage, while the ones we're seeing now have an AI-generated style. To make the video easier to follow, it’s better to stick with one style throughout.
Not triggering enough
We’re now over 5 minutes into the video, and while I like the script and how the story is told, there aren’t many strong, triggering hooks. If you want to give viewers a real reason to keep watching, I’d definitely suggest something like: 'But just when you thought this story was heading in the right direction, something unexpected happened...'
Showing an image for too long that doesn’t match the script
What happens here feels a bit strange because the voice-over doesn’t match the happy marriage photo. When the story changes, make sure the footage matches what the voice-over is saying. This keeps things clear for the audience.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Impressive Stories
Used trigger words
- Millionaires
- Housekeeper
- Beggar
- Obese woman
- Marriage
- Poor
- Love
- Receptionist
Thumbnail analysis
Impressive Stories
Used thumbnail 1

This thumbnail achieved more than 2.5M+ views...
As we can see, this strategy works, but it's definitely not my thumbnail style. They use way too much text, in my opinion. But of course, it's up to you if you want to keep this style or try something else. If it were up to me in this niche, I’d use a style similar to the 'Fake Crime' niche. The fact that they use a 'good-looking, fit man' on the right is something I’d also add, because it creates a contrast with the obese woman. Besides, you can clearly see that they continue to choose for a good-looking man, so that's definitely something that triggers this audience.
Impressive Stories
Used thumbnail 2
Impressive Stories
Used thumbnail 3
Impressive Stories
Used thumbnail 4
Impressive Stories
Revenue analysis
The RPM will probably be around $7-10 if you make longer videos like our competition. If you choose to go for shorter videos, then your RPM will be around $3-5.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Impressive Stories
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How to find topics?
If you enjoy working with AI, I have good news for you because this is definitely possible in this niche. Even if you don’t know much about AI, I’ll guide you through a few simple steps to show you how to create endless topics with the help of ChatGPT. So, if we take a look at our competitor’s channel, we can clearly see that certain topics are doing well. And because you have the freedom to create your own topics with AI, it’s important to know what works well in this niche so you can build on that.
Most popular video from our competition:
- Millionaire Marries an Obese Woman as a Bet, and Is Surprised When...
- Millionaire Marries McDonald's Waitress on a Dare and Is Surprised When...
Do you see the pattern yourself? They consistently create topics that bring one extreme against the other. In topic 1, it’s a handsome, wealthy man vs. an obese woman. In topic 2, it’s rich vs. poor, and the same pattern shows up in topic 3. So what works well in this niche is combining two opposites in a single video. Besides that, I noticed that the 'millionaire vs. obese woman' topic has been posted multiple times and is also their most popular video with more than 2.5M+ views. I can definitely understand the reason why, because this niche triggers a typical American female audience. And what’s common in America? Obesity. This audience might feel more connected to this topic than others, so it’s definitely a topic to focus on if you want to succeed in this niche.
ChatGPT: With ChatGPT, you can do a lot in this niche. You can ask for topic ideas or even have AI help you create your script. Just ask ChatGPT to write a script with a specific word count, and it can generate one for you easily. Since videos in this niche tend to be longer, it’s better to work in chapters with ChatGPT. This way, you can focus on different directions for each chapter, and you can easily read the parts separately, which will make it less overwhelming than a long script.
Scriptwriter: You can also choose to go for a scriptwriter who will use their own imagination to create a fiction story. This way, you can outsource everything and not worry about it yourself. Just keep in mind that if you outsource, you’ll need to find someone who knows how to use hooks, create a triggering intro, and make sure the viewer stays engaged with the story. Of course, you can also train someone to do this. Building a strong team often starts with you.
To create a compelling topic in this niche, I asked Chat to write a script about a millionaire who falls in love with an obese woman, and then some unexpected things happen. What’s great about this topic is that you can take the story in any direction you want. It’s important to break the story into chapters so that if there’s a part you don’t like, you can easily ask Chat to change it. One challenge you might run into is how Chat writes scripts by default. It’s essential to give Chat clear, specific instructions, and I always start by sharing a sample script so that Chat understands the structure you want to go for. Also, it’s important to have Chat include lots of hooks throughout the script, as I explained at our video analysis, to keep the audience engaged and give them reasons to keep watching.
Articles/video references

Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
First, I went to openart.ai to create an image about an obese woman. This is what came out:

Add image of a 'good-looking millionaire'
I also made an AI image of a young, good-looking 'millionaire.' You might think, 'Is this really what a millionaire looks like?' But the focus is more on creating contrast with standard beauty norms. For example, in this case, it’s obese vs. fit. The woman’s hair is a bit messy, while the man’s hair is perfectly styled with gel. The idea is to show a clear contrast and pick a man who always looks polished. I also added a suit to give him a more professional look, which ties in with wealth and status.

In the end, I added some shadow at the top of my thumbnail to make sure the text stands out even more. When choosing the text, I kept in mind that this audience loves stories about two 'extremes' falling in love. To make that clear, I added the text: SECRET AFFAIR. This shows that they love each other, but the title also hints that she has done something. This way, the thumbnail works perfectly with the title. Here’s the final result:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Real love between two extremes
This audience loves watching videos where two extremes meet and fall in love. For example, millionaire vs. housewife, millionaire vs. obese woman, or millionaire vs. McDonald's waitress. They care a lot about the inside qualities of people and enjoy seeing moments where these kinds of people find each other.
Sharing their own stories
What they also do a lot is share their own personal stories. The comments also show that this audience is a bit older, and you can see that, as people get older, inner qualities become more important than status or looks. The comments are full of their own memories.
What does the audience not like?
Too many different characters
One thing that can annoy this audience is when you use too many different types of characters in one video. It can make the video hard to follow. So, make sure that when you talk about a character and show them in the video, they have the same look as the other photos/clips.