
Why this
In this niche, I found a channel that started only 3 months ago and achieves now more than 1.5M+ views per month. What's great is that you can create your own stories and therefore create unlimited topics. Once you know how best to trigger this target audience, the chance of success within this niche is very high because the competition is low. So if you are looking for a niche where the content is very easy to create, then this niche might be for you.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
- 4. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Anonymous Infidelity Stories
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Great hook
'I never imagined my life would take such a drastic turn that summer in Chicago...'
This is exactly what I mean by a good intro. Starting right away with the story and immediately giving the viewer a reason to continue watching. By using this kind of hooks, the viewer becomes curious about what may have happened on that summer in Chicago. Great intro!
By using subtitles in a video where no photos or clips are used, is a good thing in my opinion. That way, you create an extra focal point that brings people even better into the story.
Good script
'But everything changed when I received that call from my best friend...'
It takes 18 seconds before the next hook is mentioned in the script. And that is very good, because in this way you are continuously triggering the viewer, so you increase the percentage of your AVD which is a good signal towards YouTube for pushing your video.
By naming these kinds of details in your script, you ensure that the viewer gets even better into the story. Especially since there is not much to see in terms of editing, this is a must to name these kinds of details in the script so they can create their own picture.
Tease the audience
This is exactly the reason why this audience clicks on videos in this niche. The viewer is triggered by the title and thumbnail, and this part is exactly what they are looking for. I think it's very good that they build this up, and use a lot of hooks in the beginning of the video so they trigger the viewer to eventually give them what they're looking for. So it's important to go into detail about the situation you name in your title, and that's something they do well here.
Voice over
2 points to make. They went for a British voice over which is not bad but if you want to have an American audience, I would go for an American voice over. And sometimes you can hear this is an AI voice over, which is also not that big of a deal in this niche but try to make it as real as possible if you choose to go for an AI voice over.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Anonymous Infidelity Stories
Used trigger words
- Daddy's Friend
- Infidelity Story
- Husband
- Ex
- Nephew
- Kitchen
- Came in to my room
- Big Tool
- Pastor
- Father-In-Law
Thumbnail analysis
Anonymous Infidelity Stories
Used thumbnail 1

Triggering, but...
A very good, triggering thumbnail and that is mainly because of the choice of the text: IT WAS TOO BIG. This is exactly how you want to trigger this audience. You have to tease them, and make them think: Is this really what I think it is? This is a text that I would definitely use for my own thumbnails in this niche simply because we can see that it works well.
But I wouldn't recommend formatting your text this way because it's way harder for people to read from top to bottom than from left to right. Also, the heart is now a bigger focus point than the text, and that's also not what you want to happen.
Looking at the woman on the left, I can see that it was most likely created with AI and there is nothing wrong with that in this niche. However, I would make sure that the woman looks much more defiant than now, because that way you can make the viewer's fantasy even bigger.
Anonymous Infidelity Stories
Used thumbnail 2

Too much text
People decide in split seconds if they are going to click on your thumbnail or not, and for that reason, I would not use too much text. Use a maximum of 3/4 words. I like the fact that hey added a red dress on her so that the target audience sees what the woman is wearing. But again, I think you can go even more extreme. As an example, a bikini or a bra.
Anonymous Infidelity Stories
Used thumbnail 3
Anonymous Infidelity Stories
Used thumbnail 4
How high your RPM will be, depends on how long your videos will be. They have videos between 15-30 minutes and that's also what I would recommend going for:
8-10 minutes: $3-$5
15-30 minutes: $5-$10
Anonymous Infidelity Stories
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Anonymous Infidelity Stories
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How to find topics?
Also in this niche, you can create endless topics yourself because the stories are not real. But to understand the pattern of our competition channel, it's important to choose the right story in this niche that will trigger our target audience. If you take a look at our competition channel https://www.youtube.com/@AnonymousInfidelityStories/videos then you'll see that the most popular videos are about:
You can also see on these other competition channels that the topic with 'NEPHEW' include, are catching on well. So naming a family member such as nephew/brother/uncle is definitely something you could continue on to see if that's something that this target group is extra triggered by. Besides, I've noticed that when the woman is telling her story and is cheating with someone, it's also a huge trigger for this audience because they all have an opinion about it. And that in turn creates commotion in the comments, which is a good signal towards YouTube.
• https://www.youtube.com/@AnonymousInfidelityStories/videos
• https://www.youtube.com/@DiariesInfidelity/videos
• https://www.youtube.com/@talesoflust/videos
If you know how to use ChatGPT, it can be really helpful in this niche. It can give you lots of ideas and is a smart tool to use for creating your own script.
Articles/video references
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
I did a search on Google for “picture of AI woman with boobs” and this is what came up. I chose this photo because I wanted to create a more shocking effect for on the thumbnail, and because we can trigger the men in this niche even more with a picture of the woman like this.

Camera Raw Filter & Color Overlay
To make the woman stand out even more, I chose to create a new layer in photoshop, selecting only the woman. Then I use the following options through Camera Raw Filter: Exposure, whiten, sharpen. Then I selected the bra of the woman and applied a color overlay to make the bra stand out even more.

Eventually I choose to go for the text 'IT WAS TOO BIG' because we've seen that it works and because you can trigger the audience a lot with it. It raises a lot of questions, and that's exactly what you want for your thumbnail. So if you followed all the steps, your thumbnail will look like this:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Infidelity stories
Stories that are sexually tinged, where the viewer is being teased is exactly what makes this audience click. They enjoy hearing the woman's story and are looking for tension that builds more and more throughout the video. Besides, they get extra triggered when the story mentions that she cheated and that causes a lot of commotion in the comments.
This is a male audience that enjoys listening to stories told by a “perfectly beautiful” woman. These women are created with AI, and the men in this niche love watching these 'perfect women'.
What does the audience not like?
If there are any mistakes in the script, title, or thumbnail, this audience is quick to point them out in the comments.