Tornado Documentaries

Why this
This niche may not appear to be a real banger at first glance, but after doing my research, I discovered interesting results of channels that do not upload frequently but receive a lot of views. So, while this niche may not show up in hard data as a viable source of income, I believe it is possible if you consistently upload high-quality videos.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. Canada
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Great intro
This is a very good example of getting straight to the point and starting your video with a great hook. The video footage shows right away, with a strong story telling hook. Very good intro!
Great animations
They use good animation in this video which makes the story they want to tell much more clear. Also, we have seen that the target audience appreciates this in the videos through the comments, so I would definitely recommend looking for an video editor who can implement these kind of animations. Note: Animations are expensive.
Great hook, but...
''unfortunately the people in the region, will soon learn just how severe the storm was going to be...''
This is a good example of how to build tension in the story. This can give the viewer a reason to continue watching the video because they are triggered by little hooks like this. So use enough hooks in your script to trigger the viewer from time to time, just like they do here. But this 'hook' does not stand out enough since the background music does not fit the topic/niche well. When using a hook, I would definitely include a sound effect or pause the background music for a moment, this will make the viewer experience the hook much more intensely.
Use news broadcasts in your video
If you ask me, this is really a must for this niche. We are talking about real life events that happened in the world, which probably had a big impact on a lot of people. So chances are that the topic you choose has been in the news, and you can use that very well for your video. The more real footage, the better.
Show the welfare of the animals
Since we have seen in the comments that this audience is very concerned about the animals during a tornado, I would definitely recommend reflecting this in your script.
Really bad music choice
Background music is extremely important in your video, and this is an excellent example of why you should avoid using it. It's a great story-telling script, but the background music makes it feel like a futuristic story, which is completely wrong. If the creator had included dark/scary music, the story would have been way better.
No sound effects and wrong background music
''this one has a potential for big problems...''
We are listening to a good script here only no thrilling sound effect is added while using a hook. The background music remains the same, and therefore the hook that is used does not reach the viewer as well as it should be. Let your editor ensure that when you use a hook in the video, it stands out more by adding a sound effect or pausing the background music. As a result, the impact of a hook will be much more intense and you can trigger the viewer more.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
- Tornado
- Explosion
- Worst
- Rarest
- Destroyed
Thumbnail analysis
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Focus points, but...
This is a good example of using a maximum of 3 focus points on the thumbnail. We only see text here, and a tornado in the background. But... the black text is barely visible, and the tornado does not appear to be particularly dramatic.
Used thumbnail 2

✅ 1870 Vs 2013
A clear thumbnail with a clear message which can definitely trigger this target audience. We can see on this thumbnail that the tornado in 2013 was obviously a lot more intense than in 1870, and that in turn can trigger some questions to the viewer. 'What does this mean for the future? And how exactly can this happen, and why are tornadoes becoming more intense? Is this the same place?' These are all questions the viewer may have while they are watching this thumbnail. I would recommend trying this out as well.
Used thumbnail 3

✅ Great triggering text but..
This is a better example of how the thumbnail is going to stand out more if you use text that is better visible and triggers well, but.... the picture of the tornado is not that shocking if you ask me. Because the text says: 'nothing left' you actually expect to see a more intense tornado in the background. Houses destroyed, buildings with nothing left, etc. If you choose this text, make sure that the photo also matches text, because that is exactly what we are missing here on this thumbnail.
Used thumbnail 4
Revenue analysis
If this channel uploads more frequently, they could be making a lot more money. The video that has about 200K views earned nearly $800, showing that this channel could make thousands of dollars every month. The audience is mainly American, which typically showsa greatRPM. So, while the totalcalculation below may not appear to be particularly interesting, does not show the real picture.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How to find topics?
What makes these documentaries interesting is that they include a lot of real footage of tornadoes. So, I recommend that you begin researching on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, or any other social media platform because it is difficult to create a great video without this content. When you've found an interesting clip, start looking for more as much as possible, the more you have, the better your video will be. Look for photos, videos, news broadcasts, Google Maps before and after images to see the damage that occurred, stories of people who have witnessed the event and more.
You can also start with a topic of the competition channel. Make sure you don't copy the channel and make your own story of it. But what's great is that you know there is plenty of footage available because they were able to make an 8-min+ video about it.
I started looking on TikTok on the search term "tornados destroyed city" and I found this video. In this video, a tornado is rushing through a city where 7 children in a school died. A shocking story with footage from a teacher who was in the school with the children at that time. There is a lot of information and footage availabe about this tornado, so that's a great topic to go for.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
Unless you can find a terrifying picture of the tornado shown in your video, you can simply Google a random picture of a terrifying tornado and use that. Yes, you are sort of click baiting by doing so, but as long as your thumbnail and title fits your video, no one will be able to tell if the tornado in your thumbnail is real or not.
So I simply typed into Google: "Terrifying Tornado" and I found this picture:

This image shows a tornado sweeping through a city, which is similar to the topic, and appears rough due to a lot of stuff flying around.
End result

What did I do?
- Sky color: I changed the color of the sky from blue to something the same as the tornado because it will create a more dramatic look.
- Text: I chose to go for the text "nothing left" because that worked in one of the thumbnails from the competition. You could also go for the text "Kids inside" and point an arrow towards the building.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Many people who watch these videos have self or know someone who has experienced the tornado. Or it has been close by, and have heard a lot about it. And that's something they like to share in the comments.
Animals that survive
There are also many comments where the target audience is concerned about animals. Did the animals survive? That is something they do care about a lot.
Modern animations
The competition channel makes a lot of use of great animations in the videos, showing how the tornado passes over a city. The target audience likes to see this and can much better understand the analysis of exactly how it happened.
What does the audience not like?
I couldn't find anything interesting..