Police Chase

Why this
This niche has huge potential. I found a channel that just started uploading these videos and went viral with a few million views. I also found a channel that's started not too long ago and is getting almost 5M views a month.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Channel 1 is one of the better performing channels, although there is still room for improvement. Channel 2 has just recently started, and has already achieved insane results and shows a better example of how to approach this niche.
State Boyzzz
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Using sound from the original footage
This channel doesn't use a voiceover and instead uses the audio that comes with the footage. As I describe in the don'ts section, I would definitely use a voice-over in this niche because it allows you to engage the target audience much more, and you need it to get monetized (more about that in the 'lets create your video' section).
Channel 2 is a better example on how to approach this niche. But that doesn't mean this channel isn't interesting because getting views like this without a voice-over, means there is a lot more possible if you ask me.
Building up the tension, but...
What this channel does well is showing the intense part at the end, but... If you start the intro like channel 2 does (starting the video with a few short intense clips) you make sure that when the viewer clicks on your video, they are immediately triggered and at the same time you give the viewer the value they clicked for. So in this niche, I would definitely choose to make your intro as heated as possible, because that's what they want to see.
Don't do this
It takes 7 seconds for this video to start, because you are first being forced to look at the logo of this channel for 7 seconds. This is something I would never use in my intro (and more importantly, the first few seconds of the video). You want people, when they click on your video to get the value they clicked for as soon as possible. You may have seen in your statistics that most people who watch your video drop out right at the beginning of the video, and that's why it's so important to have a good intro where you give the viewer where they have clicked for asap.
20 seconds long no sound
As I mentioned before, the beginning of your video is very important, and when I was watching this video I heard no sound at 00:07 till 00:26. I even wondered if my sound was on, because as a viewer you expect that there is sound with this kind of footage.
No voice over
This channel has no voice over as you can hear, no story is told, and no hooks are used. If you look at how channel 2 builds the story, you'll see a good example of how I would approach this niche. By using a voice-over, you can trigger the target audience much more than without one. If this channel can already reach so many views without a voice-over, imagine what will happen to the views if you add a voice-over and make it one great story.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
State Boyzzz
Used trigger words
- High Speed Chase
- Suspect
- Shooting
- Pursuit
- Murderer
- Fatal Mistake
- Escape PIT
- Gun Fight
- Kidnapper
- Police
- Stolen Vehicle
- Wild Chase
- Teens
- Trooper
- Fatal Crash
- Marijuana
- Stolen
- Armed Robbery
- Vehicle Flees
Thumbnail analysis
State Boyzzz
Used thumbnail 1

❌ Too much text
You have to imagine that people on Youtube decide within a split second whether they are going to click on your thumbnail or not. So for that reason, I personally would never choose a long text for my thumbnail. This video has 1.5M views, but that is definitely not because of the text.
State Boyzzz
Used thumbnail 2

❌ Don't use your own logo
This thumbnail would have been great if the channel's logo had been removed and replaced with a few good trigger words. In most cases, adding a logo to your thumbnail will not add any value, and another focus point is gone. You can better use that focus point with a triggering text like:
If you do want to brand your thumbnail, use colors, special fonts, thumbnail outlines etc.
State Boyzzz
Used thumbnail 3
❌ Not triggering
I don't know what it is with this channel, but either they use very long sentences as text, or they use their own logo or they just don't use any text. If you look at this thumbnail, it's really not triggering enough if you ask me. If this thumbnail was explained a little bit more, with 2/3 trigger words and an arrow pointing to one of those guys, it would be so much more triggering.
This thumbnail received almost 500K views. You can easily double or triple that amount with the help of these tips.
State Boyzzz
Used thumbnail 4
State Boyzzz
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Dr Crime
Topic analyses

Video rating
Video analyses
Great start
This is a great start because they immediately show several clips where the chase is in full action, and that's exactly what this target audience wants to see. This is exactly what I explained at channel 1, that you actually want to start your intro with some clips like these, because the viewer immediately gets the value they clicked for. I would definitely start your intro by showing a couple of clips like they do here. You can also pause the voice over in the intro for a couple seconds to use the original audio recording to make the intro even more intense. As example:
• 1. Start your script with a sentence like this: ''When idiots Drive Motorcycles they can often get away due to their small size and fast acceleration, but the chances of getting caught are always there..''
• 2. * Pause the voice over and show a clip with an intense chase with some shocking original audio * (as example 11:51)
• 3. Continue script and start the story right away.
Since we know from the comments that this target group thinks that these police officers are doing a great job, and they can't stand the fact that these people choose to be a danger on the road, it's a good move to actually refer to these people as 'idiots' because by doing so, you're speaking the same language as the target audience.
Nice voice over and background music
I like this voice over, and he uses the right tone of voice in this niche. The background music makes the video even more thrilling to watch. Good choice!
Sound effects
Here we see a great example of using a voice over and using real audio as some sort of sound effect. By doing this, your video will come to life and gets realistic for the viewer, which will result in a better AVD.
Great idea
This is made with Google Earth where you can get a helicopter view over a road. Then they added some animations (they can be better, but that's not where this is about) to explain the situation. This is great for your AVD and I would definitely recommend your video editor use this as well.
Use better hooks
''poor decisions are everywhere, even in the case of this idiot Billy''
It's good that they are trying to make this video into one story, but this hook could be better if you ask me. It's not a bad hook, but I think you can trigger the target audience a lot more if you use hooks like this:
• But if you thought this chase was intense, then you're wrong... *announce next clip*
• But this chase is nothing compared to *announce next clip*


Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Dr Crime
Used trigger words
- Police
- Chase
- Idiots
- Can't catch me
- End Badly
Thumbnail analyses
Dr Crime
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Great thumbnail!
This thumbnail has now achieved over 1.7M views and I can fully understand why, because this is exactly what this target audience is looking for: A thrilling chase in full action. Also the small details that we see here like the color of the sirens, make this thumbnail even more triggering to look at. The only thing I would change is the text. You can't read it that clearly, so you have to make sure to add a background shadow or a stroke to make it better readable. And I think the text can be more triggering if you change it to: NO LICENSE! or STOLEN BIKE!
Dr Crime
Used thumbnail 2

✅ 3 focus points but...
This is good thumbnail where they understood the rule of maximum 3 focus points well: text, person, car. But I would make the arrow red instead of white and add a more intense shadow around the text so that it will be better readable. I also really like the text they have used. Raises a lot of questions.
Dr Crime
Used thumbnail 3
Dr Crime
Used thumbnail 4
State Boyzzz
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
I'm not a lawyer, and this is what I know based on some Google research, so please confirm this with your own research as well. I'm not responsible for any copyright strikes, I'm just sharing everything I know.
In the United States, any citizen can apply for a Public Record Request at a police station, where they can request bodycam, security camera, and dashcam footage from police cars. This footage, which the police station is releasing, is always (as the name implies) a freely available record and may be used copyright free. But there is one thing to mention. Most of the time, when someone makes a Public Records Request, you must pay the police station a fee for the work they have to do. When someone receives those records, they frequently assume that they own the rights to them. As far as I know, that is not true, and they do not have that right because the records are public.
So as far I know, the only way to get 'in trouble' is to use a bodycam video from another channel that assumes they have the rights of that video. So they add a watermark to their video and pretend they own the rights to it. So, as a workaround is to place your watermark over their watermark, preventing them from doing anything about it. Because you could have requested that footage at the police station as well.
Warning: Try to avoid police chases from news channel. They often have great footage from a helicopter view, but that footage is heavily copyrighted by those news channels.
Where can I find topics?
Your channel depends on footage you can find online. I don't want to scare you but need to be honest so that you know what your risks are. This is not one of the safest way to create content because you have to take videos from other sources, which you're not 100% sure off if they're copyright free to use. So the best way is to look for sources who are okay with you using 'their' footage. The only way to find out is through trial and error.
YouTube channels you can try:
To find more channels, search for terms such as "police chase" or "police pursuit." Then sort by publish date or simply scroll through the videos that YouTube suggests.
I found this video trough searching on YouTube. This video looked safe to me because this channel referred to the public records in the description. Which means that I can ask the police stations my self for that footage, and he doesn't have the rights of it.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
I wanted to create a thumbnail that looks the same as this thumbnail because I think it's really triggering

I started looking for a moment in the reference video and took a screenshot of this part:

Placement and brightness
I zoomed in on the motorcycle and brightened everything up so that the thumbnail stands out more against the black YouTube background.

I added a blue and red circle to create the lights of the police car siren. After that, I blurred both circles out, which will result in them looking like lights.

Text and arrow
Then I chose to go for the text 'no license' because as we learned, the target audience will hate people who put other people in danger. And also because it can be hard to see if it's a motorcycle, with this text people will understand that it's a motorcycle. And to finish everything up, I added an arrow that's pointing to the motorcycle to draw more attention.
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Bad drivers
This target audience enjoys watching police chases. But the target audience can also get very frustrated by the fact that drivers do not pay attention to their surroundings, when the police with their lights on are chasing someone in traffic. The comments are full of this.
Also one of the most common comments are about being impressed by the engineering and production of some cars/trucks. This audience consists mainly of men, who are impressed to see how certain cars can have so much power and they really like to share this in the comments.
Good cops
This target group loves to see when a cop shows sympathy for his dog when they drive at high speeds. They believe that these officers are doing a great job, and like the fact that they are trying to keep the roads safe.
What does the audience not like?
Nothing I could find