Easy, actually

Why this
In this niche, I've found a very interesting channel that started only 2 months ago and has already reached 5.7M views with only 5 videos. Once you figure out how to start speaking the same language as your target audience, there will be millions of views waiting for you.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
- 4. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Easy, Actually
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Triggering intro
What they do very well, is starting with this first sentence, "So, you want to become smart?" because they give the viewer within one second what they clicked for. After that, they proceed to name facts, which will be recognizable to the target audience. To then drop a bombshell that everything you have been taught so far will result in you becoming homeless. That last sentence raises so many questions that as a viewer, you have no choice but to continue watching.
Simplicity to the max
In 'What does the audience like', I've already mentioned that people like the simplicity of these videos. They make it very accessible to a large audience who want to get smarter in all kind of aspects.
Triggering script
'Becoming smart is actually very easy...'
Good use of the right hook. In this case, the first part questions the government's way of getting smart and uses a good hook on which he makes you think that anyone can be smart and in fact you already are according to the creator. What they also do well here is referencing to the title, so that the viewer still feels that he is really going to get answers to the questions he or she got when reading the title.
'The same 6 brain hacks from a Facebook post...'
This audience loves the sarcasm in these videos. They are commenting about it all the time, which will results in more engagement and more views.
Don't use AI because of this
I like this voice over because as we know from the comments this target audience is somewhat younger, and so is the voice-over. Besides that, it just seems like he's not reading a boring script, you might even almost think that he's just telling a story while editing. And that's exactly what you want in this niche, you want a voice over that makes it seem like he's just telling a story instead of reading it. The way the voice-over is explaining the story is something no AI can easily imitate. Also, the humor he uses and the voices he puts on from time to time makes it all so personal and fun to watch.
If you want to do this, then do it this way.
This is definitely the best way to ask your target audience to subscribe that I have seen so far. Including the question in a good hook combined with some humor is a very good way to increase the chance that someone would subscribe. With that being said, I don't mean that I fully support this, because in my opinion people don't subscribe to your channel just because someone asks them to. Because if you'd ask me, I will only subscribe to a channel if I like the content and not because a channel asks me to. But, If you do want to add this to your video for some reason, then do it this way.
I could find anything to mention


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Easy, Actually
Used trigger words
- easy
- actually
- language
- personality
- problem
- smart
Thumbnail analysis
Easy, Actually
Used thumbnail 1
✅ Simple style, but...
I understand the style of these thumbnails, and I can understand why the target audience clicks on them. The drawing style they used is also the style used in the video, so I would definitely recommend using that same drawing style for your own thumbnail, because we see that it works and that the audience likes this style. But the text they used here is very similar to the title, and way too long, if you'd ask me. Also, there are too many focus points on this thumbnail, I would also reduce that to max 3 focus points, so that the viewer can look at it in a split second and know what the thumbnail is about.
Easy, Actually
Used thumbnail 2

❌ Too chaotic
This thumbnail has a lot of focus points and therefore quickly becomes chaotic. If you'd ask me, I would remove some of these focus points and try to explain the message you want to convey from the thumbnail as clearly as possible. Also, they use almost the same text in the thumbnail:
Becoming smart is easy, actually.
They did the same thing at title 1. For that reason, I wouldn't choose a text that is very similar to your title, because that is simply a missed opportunity. You can trigger your audience two times: once through your title and once through your thumbnail. So make sure that the text you choose for your thumbnail matches the title, without using the same words
Easy, Actually
Used thumbnail 3
Easy, Actually
Used thumbnail 4
Easy, Actually
Revenue analysis
This channel has some videos that are below 8 minutes, which will lower your RPM a lot. This calculation is based on all of their videos being above 8 minutes.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Easy, Actually
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How do I find topics?
Since this target audience is somewhat younger, it is better to focus on topics that belong to the stage of life they are in. Besides that, they also find it interesting to watch videos about becoming a better version of themselves, because they are still at the beginning of their lives and are sometimes looking for answers on how to handle certain situations in life more easily. You can find a lot of topic inspiration from the competition channel and their community posts. Doing this research will give you an even better idea of what the target audience cares about and what they like to see.
Some example topics:
• Quitting addiction is easy, actually
• Education/university/career
• Math is easy, actually
• Social media detox is easy, actually
• Finding motivation is easy actually
• Glowing up is easy, actually
• Life after college is easy, actually
• Socializing is easy, actually
• Breaking up is easy, actually
• Increasing your attention span is easy, actually
• Keeping conversations going is easy, actually
• Dopamine detox is easy, actually
• Being a good student is easy, actually
• Getting rich is easy, actually
• Speaking in public is easy, actually
• Studying is easy, actually
• Making progress is easy, actually
As we know, this target group consists mainly of young (male) students. For that reason, I want to focus on a topic that relates to the life of a student in order to trigger the target group as well as possible. So I started my analysis of the competition channel, which video is the most popular? What kind of topic did they use? I saw that the video 'Becoming smart is easy actually' has achieved the most views, which to me sounds logical because a lot of people who watch these videos are students. So I definitely want to continue down this route simply because we see that it works and because we have the confirmation that they like topics like that.
So I had this title in my mind: Getting an A Degree is easy, actually. To find information on this topic that I had in mind, I started searching on YouTube by simply copy and paste this title: Getting an A Degree is easy. I then came across some interesting videos, from which we can get a lot of inspiration. I will link them below.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
Since the reference channel has such an obvious thumbnail style, I would recommend trying out that style as well because, the numbers show that it's working.
So I first chose to go for a black background and started by drawing a small figure with the Pencil in Photoshop. I chose for the color blue, because it keeps us away from staying in the same colors as the competition channel, and allows us to create our own style.

Add elements
Then I started searching on Google for some elements to add to the thumbnail. I wanted to show on the left side a more sad puppet who is 'not happy,' and on the right side I wanted to create a 'happy puppet' who has graduated and feels great. I then added the text "I need a job" with the font: Chalkduster.

Add text
I added the text Before and After to get even better contrast between the two sides. I noticed that I was missing something on the puppets head on the right side, and on Google I was able to find a matching red graduation head, which makes it even clearer that this is the outfit you wear when you have your graduation. At the end, I added a blue line around the thumbnail so that the thumbnail would stand out just a bit more, so that this will be your end result:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Making things that are difficult easy, actually
Something this channel continually does is make things that are difficult, easy. We all know for example that learning a new language is not super easy, and in this niche you just make it seem like that it is easy, actually.
Great Script
Judging by the number of likes, you can see that many viewers agree. You can see that this is becoming popular with viewers through hooks and "easy" story telling. By doing this, the audience feels satisfied knowing they have discovered a "Easter egg."
For several videos, you will see comments from other great YouTubers who comment positively to the channel. For example, this guy has 1.44M subscribers. This shows that the videos on this channel are very popular.
What does the audience not like?
Nothing I could find
Haven't come across anything worthy of mentioning.