
Why this
One competition channel went viral in their first month, with a video that has 1.5 million views. So there's no doubt that this niche is interesting enough to try. There is also much room for improvement so that you can outperform your competition.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. Canada
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
American Rewind
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
To the point
They get straight to the point by showing well known car features to get in that nostalgic feeling. You get straight away where you clicked for and that's all you need to do in the intro to keep your viewers watching. On the other hand, there are some points where they can definitely improve. I'll get to that in the don'ts section.
Nostalgic pictures
They are using nostalgic pictures all the time trough out this video. Really important factor to trigger this audience and to trigger a nostalgic feeling.
Slow pace
First off, I think you can improve a lot on the video editing side (I will go more in depth about that in the don'ts section) ,but the pace of video editing is great for this target audience. The audience is older and don't like video's that are fast pace.
Boring video editing
This entire video editing is made up of pictures with slides. Don't get me wrong: using pictures to tell a story is fantastic, so please keep doing so. However, you can highlight, zoom in, point arrows, add text, and add animations to those images to make them more interesting and entertaining to the viewer. So find an editor who can add some extra effects and use some real clips from that era to make the video a lot more entertaining to watch.
Boring voice over and script
The script is technically correct and provides the necessary information. But it's so boring to listen to that it sounds like he's reading a wikipedia article. These videos are about nostalgia and can trigger a lot of emotions for people who lived in that time. So hire a voice-over with more emotion and a scriptwriter who is a master in story telling.
No triggering announcement of the next case
This is just a typical top 10 video where the transition to the next case is quite boring. You can make these transitions way more interesting by implementing the same tricks as I explained in the Rap Data niche. Go to competition video 2 to see my explanation.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
American Rewind
Used trigger words
- 1960's
- 1970's
- Childhood
- Baby boomers
- Grew Up
- Old Home Features
- The past
- Remember
- History
- Obsolete
Thumbnail analysis
American Rewind
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Not too many focus points
Because there aren't too many focus points in this thumbnail, it's easy to follow. Two things to note about the focus points they use:
- The logo in the upper left corner is also a focus point, which is a waste of your focus points in my opinion. If you want to show branding on your thumbnails, focus on colors and other recognizable elements (as they have). Aside from that, people already see their logo on their profile picture next to their title, so adding a logo to your thumbnail adds no value.
- Their text is too long to read. People will scan their thumbnail in a split second, so don't use more than 2/3 words.
American Rewind
Used thumbnail 2

❌ Wrong focus point
Unlike the previous thumbnail, this one is a great example of what the thumbnail looks like when the attention shifts to something that shouldn't be the focus, which is now the woman's face. We want the thumbnail to emphasize the thing that should be the focus, and that is the car. To make the thumbnail more triggering for the viewer I would point an arrow towards the car and change the text to a few short trigger words.
American Rewind
Used thumbnail 3
❌ Too chaotic
By including a third face on the right side, this thumbnail becomes way too chaotic. I'd remove the face on the right because it adds no value to the thumbnail. Keep it simple, and use a maximum of three focus points.
American Rewind
Used thumbnail 4
American Rewind
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Recollection Road
Topic analyses

Video rating
Video analyses
Real photo's
This is a good example of good quality photos, real photos of those good old days. It is important to show as many real photos as possible because it gives people a feeling that the images they see are real photos from that time.
Long intro
I would have cut the intro till 00:34 because everything before that is just fill up. It's not wrong, but getting to what people have clicked for faster will be better for you AVD.
Unnecessary distraction
For 7 seconds, the channel's logo is shown which adds absolutely no value to the video. People click on a video through the title/thumbnail because they are interested in it, not to stare at a logo for 7 seconds. Give the viewers at the beginning of the video what they clicked for, these first seconds at the beginning are the most important of the whole video so you don't want to waste people's time. If you still want to show this, do it at the end of the video but never at the beginning, or even better just not at all because it adds no value.
Boring video editing
Also on this channel, the entire video consists of slides with pictures. I understand that the target audience is a bit older so we shouldn't add too many effects in the video editing but a different transition here and there would already make the video much more fun to watch.


Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Recollection Road
Used trigger words
- Childhood
- Vintage Beer
- 1960's
- 1980's
- Baby Boomer
- 1970's
- Remember
- 1950's
- Forgotten Gadgets
- The past
- Dissapeard
- Obsolete
- Growing Up
- Housewife
- Forgotten Memories
- 1990's
- Forgotten Objects
- Nostalgia
- Forgotten Grocery Stores
- Iconic
- Home Features
- Rare photo's
- 1800s
- Gone Forever
Thumbnail analyses
Recollection Road
Used thumbnail 1
✅ Real footage
Aside from whether or not this is a good thumbnail, I like that they used real-looking images because it gives the target audience a nostalgic feeling. I would recommend you do the same, and I will show you how to do it in the "let's create your video" section.
Recollection Road
Used thumbnail 2
❌ Using a logo
I would never suggest using a logo in your thumbnail because it adds an unnecessary focus point. Your logo is already next to your title, so people will already notice it. And if you want to brand your thumbnails, work on colors, fonts, and other noticeable characteristics.
Recollection Road
Used thumbnail 3
❌ Too much focus points
this thumbnail is way too chaotic and all those arrows make you have no idea what to focus on. Use a maximum of three focus points and for this one I would use one arrow with a circle and a triggering text like this: SHOCKING FINDS!
Recollection Road
Used thumbnail 4
American Rewind
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How can I find topics?
There are two ways you can find topics from your competition:
- Channel scanning: Look at topics of your competition and see if you can approach it from an other angle. For example: A title from the competition is "10 Car Innovations... That DID NOT Stand the Test of Time" so what if you approach it from a different angle? You can make a video about BAD Car Innovations, GOOD Car Innovations, Most Disturbing Car Innovations, Most Shocking Car Innovations, Most Funny Car Innovations etc. This is just an example and I have no idea if these topics are good enough, but you see how many topics I can take out from just one title? Do this as a little practice for yourself on all the topics the competition has, it doesn't matter if they're good or bad, this is just a training to see if you can do the same.
- Inside their videos: Watch a video from the competition. This one for example: 10 Things You Remember... If You GREW UP In The 1960s At 03:51, they mention GI Joe toys, and when I scanned the comments, I saw some people mention it as well. So that means people are enjoying it, and you can make a new video based on toys, or perhaps a whole video based solely on those GI Joe toys if there is enough information. Or just male toys, female toys, stupid toys, the best toys, the most shocking toys, and so on. See how many topics I can extract from just one thing in their video? Train yourself in this strategy as well.
Google, ChatGPT or TikTok
Search for articles and blogs about nostalgic things or ask ChatGPT to give 20 nostalgic things from the 60s for example or look for TikTok videos about nostaglic things. And then implement the same strategy I mentioned at Competition
I'm going to tweak one of the best performing topics from one of the competition channels. That video was the first on that channel and was posted one month ago, that shows that there is enough room for that topic to try out. I would recommend reading the comments to see what car innovations/features people liked and talked about a lot and include those in your video. Aside from that, you'll need to fill it with some other innovations/features and decide which ones you'll use for the thumbnail as well. So I found a video about a navigation from the 1970s that looked really interesting, so I would recommend using that for the thumbnail and start your video about that navigation
Title example
Thumbnail example
Picture for the thumbnail
As I mentioned when I found the topic, I had already considered what to do for the thumbnail.So I took a screenshot of that video and am going to edit it.

Use real pictures or screenshots
I would also recommend using real images or screenshots for your thumbnails because I believe that is what the competition thumbnails lack. You want to trigger a nostalgic feeling, and the best way to do so is to use real images or screenshots from real events that took place at the time.
End result

What did I do?
- To brighten everything up, I simply applied a brightness filter. Your thumbnails should be as bright as possible to stand out against YouTube's black background.
- I cut out the object in his hands and used a brush to add some white behind it. This will draw more attention to the object.
- I added a text and an arrow with a lot of background shadow. For this thumbnail. II chose to name the object rather than use a trigger word because it would otherwise be unrecognizable. If an object is easily identifiable, I would have used a trigger word instead.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
What stands out most in the comments is that the target audience gets a lot of memories from the past through these videos and they like to share them in the comments.
I conducted a lot of research to see if the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's could all be in one niche because these may be separate audiences. What I've seen on multiple channels in this niche, is that this isn't a problem, and that people who weren't born during those eras or have no memory of them enjoy watching these videos as well. As you can see in the comments, this could be due to curiosity, or because their grandparents or other relatives told them many stories about the good old days.
What does the audience not like?
Couldn't find anything that this audience clearly doesn't like.