WWE Documentaries

Why this
The YouTube channel of WWE is the no.5 most viewed YouTube channel with 1.1 billion monthly views. So the target audience is huge. This competition channel generates already 1.6M+ views per month, while it has only been up for a month. For those who are also fans, this is a no-brainer.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. Canada
- 3. Mexico
- 4. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Excellent use of the title.
By starting this way, you keep it mysterious, that's a great intro hook to your title. You click on the video to get a life story of a main character nicknamed Rey Mysterio. Keeping the first 25 seconds questioning, engaging and mysterious confirms perfectly what the viewer has come for. By starting right away with intense music, a main character who says he is desperate and also using intense footage, you get this effect with the viewer. The only thing is that the footage used can be risky and copyright sensitive. I will go into more details about that at dont's.
Background music
The way the background music is used is really top-notch. Good transitions are made, and give an extra impact by making good use of certain background sounds/music. It makes the video exiting to watch, and will get the viewer right into the story.
Good reference but...
By also mentioning many other big names in the WWE, you can link well to other videos you've made, just like here at 10:20. The only thing that could possibly be improved, is to have a link pop up immediately in your screen or at the end to that specific video.
Great hook
The one you see here at 16:31 is great. The way it switches to the next thrilling chapter of the docu works. They use just a small hook 'At least for a while' this little piece of text along with the video editing and background music manages to re-hook you perfectly.
Excellent video editing
The video editor's work is really great. He edits the videos in a way that tells the story perfectly. Instead of using lots of fancy edits, he chooses the right moments to get the message to the viewer. It's not about big flashy effects; it's about showing the story in the best way possible, and that's exactly what he has done.
Using certain clips, like they use here, can land you in hot water due to copyright rules. To play it safer, mix up your footage with images and include more of them, especially at the beginning of your video. What I've noticed, is that YouTube particularly strict about this, so it's important to be cautious. Despite the risks involved, the videos used offers great content.
Source of footage
You see here footage is used with German subtitles. I certainly will not use this in your video because it can be very distracting to the audience. If you really can't find any different footage and would like to use this footage, make sure that the subtitles are blurred so that they do not stand out as much as they do now.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
- Documentaries
- Wrestling
- Dark side
- Stories
- True story
- WrestleMania
- SmackDown
- The Dream
- Downfall
- Tragedy
Thumbnail analysis
Used thumbnail 1

😐 Great thumbnail but...
They have used the maximum number of focus points of 3 very well here, and they choose the right facial expression of The Rock. However, you see that they have used the same text as in the title: The Dark Side of The Rock | WWE Documentary. So that's definitely a missed opportunity if you ask me. Besides that, images are absorbed much faster than text. So make sure you don't put too much text in your thumbnail but use a maximum of two or three triggering words.
Used thumbnail 2

😐 Same story
This thumbnail is fine. By using good contrasted colors with a dark background, the face stands out well. But if we take a look at the text of this thumbnail, it needs exactly the same changes as the previous one, so to use this as a base would be great but with the additional changes it would be better.
Used thumbnail 3

❌ Too much focus points
The thumbnails of this channel are fine except for the text. When I'm looking at this thumbnail, I see that it has multiple focus points, which makes it harder for the viewer where to focus. You have to imagine that people decide within split seconds on YouTube if they want to click on your video, and for that reason you don't want to use more than 3 focus points. Keep it simple because by showing multiple faces, fire and a long text in your thumbnail can easily distract the viewer.
Used thumbnail 4
Revenue analysis
Because these will be longer videos, probably closer to $8, if you make shorter videos (8-10 minutes), the RPM (revenue per thousand views) will likely be lower, around $4.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How do I find topics?
In this particular niche, it's crucial to closely analyze the content of the competition channel to understand what titles and topics are interesting. This channel uses long videos divided into multiple parts. So, paying attention to the successful trends in title choices and content within the competition can give you valuable tips and tricks for creating the best videos. I already mentioned that they make good transitions to the so-called chapters of the video. So pay close attention to this if you are going to put your video editor to work, how the competition channel did it. It is also important that your scriptwriter can explain well in a clear timeline what the life of, for example, The Hulk looks like. You can see a good example here at 16:32, good use of a hook to the next chapter of the episode. So this is important to communicate because this allows you to look for good topic chapters for your documentary in a more targeted way, which means a quality video in the end.
The best way to search for a topic with this niche is:
Google: you can find plenty of stories online that are about the lives of famous wrestlers. On this site, you will get multiple variations on topics you can make your videos about: https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1124876/the-most-tragic-moments-in-wrestling/
To attract the largest possible audience, I will always start with the most famous names in the game. If you have affinity for this niche then it will speak for itself of course, but if not, look for the WWE Hall Of Fame. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWE_Hall_of_Fame
Here you get to see the best names in the sport. Personally, I would start on the life of Hulk Hogan. Not because I have affinity for the WWE, but because that shows up as one of the biggest name of a decade.
So as I described, we're going to make a documentary about Hulk Hogan because he's one of the famous names in the sport and pop scene. His journey from wrestler to famous icon is fascinating, showing how he dealt with fame and failures. People love stories like his, so he's a perfect subject for a documentary style video.
• https://www.wwe.com/superstars/hulkhogan
• https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001356/bio/
• https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/hulk-hogan-why-doesn-t-183000743.html
The topic I'm going to make a documentary about will be:
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your Thumbnail?
It is important to look for a picture where he does not look very healthy, because you want it to work with your title. The expression on his face makes him look like he is struggling or uncomfortable, which is exactly what we want to show.

Adding the background image
I went looking for a picture of the Hulk where he was in the hospital or where it's clear that he is not doing well. I used the keywords 'Hulk Hogan Hospital' on Google and came up with this image:

Adding a blue shirt and some shadows
You can probably see that this picture does not have many bright colors. To solve that problem, I chose to make his shirt blue in Photoshop. Go to Quick Selection Tool -> Fill Color -> Choose for Color Overlay. That way, the background stands out much more, and you have more bright colors in the thumbnail. I also darkened the top of this photo so that the text will stand out more.

Texture & Sharpen
To make sure his face stands out well I did the following in Photoshop: Camera raw filter -> Go to Detail -> Sharpening at 150 -> Go to effects -> Texture +100 -> Go to Light -> Exposure +0.85. If you look on the left side of Hulk Hogan's face, you will see that I also placed a black shadow behind his red clothes. These are all small details, but this way you make sure you that his face is the main focus point.

Add text & arrow
Then add the text and a red arrow with black shading and your end result will look like this:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Documentary style
The way the stories are told catches on with the audience. They especially like not always just hearing about how great the wrestlers are doing, but also the other side of their lives. By giving the viewer all ups and downs on the life story of the wrestler in a documentary form, you get an audience who will be interested to watch also other videos on your channel as well.
Childhood Heroes
As we saw, they like real stories about the wrestlers best. They are also good at showing empathy, which makes them feel really connected to the main character. Because these are the viewer's childhood heroes, you can clearly see that it makes them remember their past, back then they weren't old enough to understand stuff like addictions and grown-up problems and because of this even had a different impression of the main character. This niche is so big that it is often passed down from father to son, creating nostalgia by the viewers.
The way the story is told
Also, in this niche, you can clearly see why using AI voiceovers are sometimes not the best choice. These comments show that people are happy to see a great documentary being told by a real person. This helps you create a bond with your audience, who will return later to watch more content.
What does the audience not like?
Nothing I could find
It is very noticeable that this kind of content just catches on well with the public.