Celeb Wealth

Why this
In this niche, I found a channel that went viral immediately with their first video, because they use a certain strategy that not many channels use. Once you master this strategy, this channel shows that there is plenty of potential within this niche. Besides that, these videos are about (American) Celebrities and their wealth so the RPM could be on the high side.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
- 4. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
The strategy of this channel is basically taken from the ....Flix channels. You can use their channels as inspiration as well:
Wealth Vault
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Straight to the point
This is a perfect example of getting straight to the point. They already give away 5 "extreme" examples in the first 15 seconds, which is exactly what the viewer wants to know when they click on this video. They want to know what the "Stupidly Expensive Things" are, and if you show the viewer that from the beginning of the video, they are much more likely to watch on. Give the viewer at the beginning of the video where they clicked for, or show a preview like they do in this video. Great start!
Great transition
''But first, lets start with the shoes, which are so rare you must face 6 months in prison for him''
See how easily they transition here from intro to the story? This is just one, triggering sentence. Because, huh? 6 months in jail for a pair of sneakers? How is that possible? They bring the viewer into the story within 15 seconds. No time is wasted by asking to subscribe at the beginning of the video, they really focus on getting straight to the point and make good use of hooks.
Smart strategy
''Those shoes only cost at 1500 though, which is nothing compared to what he plans to wear on Mars...''
Like already mentioned, this channel uses the same strategy as the Kickflix channel. This is an incredibly good strategy that they use over and over again in the video. As you may know, I am a huge fan of this method and I believe this method is much better than a typical top 10 video. Just listen carefully to what happens here. Do you hear the transition to the next case? Normally they would say, ''Number 2! *and then they continue talking about the case.* But what happens here is even better because they give the viewer another reason to watch the video longer. By adding these kinds of transitions and hooks to the script, the viewer won't even realize that they've been watching the video for so long, because they'll be continuously triggered to continue the video. I will post some of these hooks used in this video below.
- Now that's crazy, but.... His car collection is out of this world...
- Now 100K is a lot for a car that breaks down, but one of his most expensive cars almost cost him his life...
- Elon needed a new car, except he wanted something that was even crazier...
- But where the hell is he gonna store all these cars, though? Well, maybe in the entire neighborhood he bought...
- And those Mansions are pretty much the same, except for one...
- But what if I told you, he's spending way more on his kids...
- Now that's expensive, but he probably doesn't care when he's buying multiple Jets...
- But Elon's biggest purchase, might be the biggest Flex ever...
Using some humor and sarcasm in your script is a good way to have more interaction with your target audience. This is also reflected in the comments, people find it funny and share the same opinion. Using this in your script every now and then is definitely not a bad choice.
Nice voice over and video editing
Although it is visible enough, I want to name it. I hear a very good voice over here, using his enthusiasm well. He makes use of different tones in his voice, so the video does not become so monotonous. I also really like the video editing and background music. Nice effects and animations are used and the background music is well matched to the script. Overall, this is a good video and can definitely be taken as an example in this niche.
I couldn't really find any don'ts with this video. It is a good video with a great script, good video editing and a good voice-over. You can definitely take an example from this.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Wealth Vault
Used trigger words
- Billionaire
- Billion
- Stupidly Expensive Things
- Elon Musk
- Jeff Bezos
- Weirdest Things
- Drake
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Humiliated
Thumbnail analysis
Wealth Vault
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Focus points, but...
This is a good triggering thumbnail because the focus points are clearly visible. On the left we see the well known Elon Musk, and in the background a giant gold plane. And that could be the reason people click on this video because huh? Did he really buy a gold plane? What? The text on the plane is a nice try, but I personally don't think that brings much added value to the thumbnail. it's not the first focus point people will look at in a split second. What I would do is add the text $33.000.000 with a red arrow pointing at the plane to bring out the 3 focus points even better.
Face, arrow, golden plane.
Wealth Vault
Used thumbnail 2
❌ No text and fake looking but..
This thumbnail is very similar to thumbnail 1 but like you know from me, it's not a thumbnail style I would prefer because it looks a bit fake. I always prefer realistic looking images because that is why people are coming to YouTube in my opinion. But you must never ignore data, and data is showing that these types of thumbnails are working really good on big channels. So for that reason I would still keep this thumbnail style, and to make it a bit more triggering, and add the text "75 MILLION!"
Wealth Vault
Used thumbnail 3
Wealth Vault
Used thumbnail 4
Wealth Vault
Revenue analysis
The revenue of this niche can be on the high side because it's about finances.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Wealth Vault
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
Where can I find topics?
What's very important in this niche is that you find the perfect combination of a celebrity that your target audience is interested in and an interesting topic.
The topics of this niche are basically a copy of the ....Flix channels. So you can find a lot of topic inspiration from their channels that are focussed on wealth in the first place:
Besides checking these channels for inspiration, you can also watch their wealth focused videos in a private/incognito window and try to get in the algorithm and see which videos YouTube are recommending.
What is essential for this niche is choosing the right celebrity, which begins with understanding your target audience. We know that relatively young people are watching these videos and are interested in celebrities' wealth. We saw on the competition channel that rapper Drake did well. This is due to the target audience's interest in rappers, who often show a lot of wealth. Choosing another rapper who is well-known for his wealth could be a wise decision as well. Try looking for celebrities on Google who are well-known for their wealth and are popular with the target audience.
I Googled "most rich rappers" and I saw that Kanye West was on that list. Kanye is known doing things differently then any body else. Besides that is Kanye often to find in the news papers because a lot of things are happening in his life so that would maybe a bit as well. So I Googled "Most Expensieve things Kanye West owns" and I found this list:
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
I discovered multiple other channels in various niches that use this thumbnail style and are really successful with it. So I decided to recreate this one with Kanye West on it.

I looked for a high quality picture of Kanye West where he looked "cool" because I think it fits the thumbnail format much better than a person smiling. Because it's cool to have a diamond, right? And looking "cool" also increases interest because someone is barely expressing any emotion. So I typed in Kanye West in Google and found this picture:

End result

What did I do?
- Diamond: I first cut the hand and the diamond out of the reference thumbnail and changed the color of the diamond to purple so that it will not be a one-on-one copy of the reference thumbnail
- Kanye West: Then I cut out Kanye West and added him in the Photoshop file. I slightly tilted his face and zoomed him in really close just like the reference thumbnail is doing as well. Then I sharpened is picture a bit and did some color corrections
- Background color: I chose a light blue background since it stands out against the black YouTube background.
- Text: Normally I use a different font for my thumbnails but for this thumbnail the text is really long, and I don't have much space. So I decided to use the font "Bebas Neue" (free Google font) because those letters are longer and closer to each other.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Watching billionaires spending their money
This audience enjoys watching billionaires spending their money. Especially in terms of ''stupid'' spending. They are fascinated by how a billionaire lives such a different life, as well as the fact that such huge amounts of money are like pocket change to them.
Wealthy famous people
This audience enjoys getting a glimpse into the life of a wealthy famous person. Many comments can be found where the target group indicates that they like what these people have accomplished so far.
This is exactly what I mean by a certain strategy being used within this niche by the competition channel. The script is told in a certain way that really engages with the target audience, resulting in these kinds of comments. I will go into more details about this in the video analayze, but it is important to know, that they find humor in the video an important part.
What does the audience not like?
I haven't really been able to find anything that this target audience doesn't like. They love watching videos that are about wealthy people, spending shocking amounts of money and enjoy seeing how these famous people live their lives