Analysed by 
YouTube Automation Expert

Fake Crime

This niche was published on
Jul 23, 2024
Psycho Obsessive Wife Ends Into Deadly Torture
1.3M views · 2 days ago
Fake Crime
Fake Crime
Fake Crime
Fake Crime

Why this



A true crime channel that tells fake crime stories. That's exactly what happens in this niche, confusing huh? I found a channel that started only 1 month ago and achieves now more than 3.1M+ views. They use a unique structure that, so far, has only been applied by one other channel I’ve seen, so there’s still a lot of room for success. Besides that, it’s very easy content to create, and because you can create your own topics there's no limit and can make as many videos as you want. So if you like videos about crime, then this niche might be the one for you.

Success chance


Saturation level


Experience level




Male audience
Female audience
  • 1. United States
  • 2. Canada
  • 3. United Kingdom
  • 4. Australia
  • 5. Europe
Average age


What does the audience like?


Cheating Partners, Deadly Obsessions & Murders

This target audience likes crime stories that deal with obsessions, deadly affairs (cheating partners), and murders. To them, these stories seem real because it is presented as a real story. However, when you start researching the topics, you can't find any information about it. I will go into detail about this later.


Great storytelling

This target audience likes a video with good storytelling. Even if they find out later that the video they just watched is probably not a true story, they won't make an issue of it. They just like a good thrilling story that is presented as a true crime story.



What does the audience not like?

not like

Couldn't find anything they don't like

not like



Competition ANALYSIS

These channels are showing potential for this niche.

The True Crime Cases Studio channel claims to share real true-crime stories, but after some research, I found out that these stories are completely made up. When you search for the names of these people online, nothing comes up, and that gives me the confirmation that the stories are entirely fictional. And that's also why I called this niche “Fake Crime” because these are made-up stories probably written by AI or a scriptwriter. I do see some comments from time to time, where this target audience indicates that the characters do look a lot alike and that they can't find any information about the case itself, but it's not something that over-rules in the comment section. In the end, they just enjoy watching thrilling crime stories and are triggered by the topics the competition channel chooses and the way the story is being told.

Jul 23, 2024
Jun 10, 2024
20-30 min
31 videos

True Crime Cases Studio

Topic analysis

Wife Swap Fantasy Turned to Obsession And Murder (True Crime Documentary)
577K views • 3 weeks ago
Husband Wife Love Triangle Ends With Murder (True Crime Documentary)
22K views • 1 month ago
Unfaithful Husband Vacations During Wife's Chemotherapy (True Crime Documentary)
80K views • 1 day ago
Her Husband Joined A Satanic Dark Web Cult Turns Deadly (True Crime Documentary)
6K views • 13 days ago

This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement

Video rating

Video analysis


Click on timestamp


Great beginning!

'In the quiet, picturesque town of Pine Hill, the gruesome murder of Jennifer Johnson sent shock waves through the community...'

This is a great example of giving the viewer directly what they clicked for. No long-winded intro, but straight to the point. Besides that, they trigger the viewer right from the first sentence because they indicate that the entire community is shocked, and that can raise many questions which causes the viewer to continue watching the video. Very good intro!


Great script

'The intensity of Daniel's feelings decided to put an end to the arrangement, not realizing the deadly consequences her decision would provoke...'

One of the biggest reasons this audience watches these videos will be because of the script and the way the story is told. Obviously, finding the right topic is step one, but how the story is being told by the script is something they do very well. There are many hooks in it, mention a lot of details, and really try to bring the viewer into the story. I will link below some more hooks they used in this video so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about:

• And for a while it seemed like they had found the perfect balance, however as the months passed subtle changes began to surface

• What had started as a harmless Adventure, was slowly morphing into an obsession that would have devastating consequences for all involved...

But soon it became clear that Daniel's interest in Jennifer, went beyond their agreement...

But she also feared what might happen next...

But she wasn't prepared for the drastic turn of events, that would soon unfold...

• But that night, Daniel's thoughts turned darker...



'One evening while cleaning up after a dinner party, Linda confronted Daniel...'

Although this might seem like a simple sentence, details like these help the viewer to get better in to the story. For example, saying things like this: "One evening while cleaning up after a dinner party" immediately creates a mental image of the scene. This is important because, as we know, the video editing is not very special and doesn't convey this imagery. So including as many details as possible in the script is crucial, and that's something they do very well.


Making it look like 'true' crime

Mentioning familiar situations like these can definitely trigger the viewer's interest a lot. Because we've all probably looked forward once in our life to a weekend getaway to break the routine, right? That's why the story feels so real, even though it's fake. They present it as true crime, and that's why you get so drawn into the story. So, even though it's not 'real' true crime, they deliver it in a way that makes it seem real and that's exactly what this audience likes.



Boring video editing

Don't get me wrong, because with this video editing they still get a lot of views, so I don't want to say that if you want to edit it this way to that it won't work, but I think if you make it just a little bit better and add some nice effects in the video from time to time then you increase the video quality, and you can trigger the viewer much more than they do now. In fact, this goes on for the entire video, and I can well imagine that as a viewer, you eventually no longer find the video itself engaging enough to continue watching.


No thrilling sounds

What happens here is really a missed opportunity if you ask me. This hook does not stand out enough because the voice-over continuously maintains the same tone and no tension is built up. On the one hand, it's actually a positive thing to see, because it means that there are a lot of areas for improvement that you can add so that the viewer can get even more into the story. A thrilling sound effect could easily have been added here, and the experience would have been much more intense.


No end screen

Putting an end screen in your video simply increases the chances that a viewer will watch another video from your channel. So if you don't add it, that's a missed opportunity if you ask me. It's good that they keep the outro short and end abruptly, but I would still add one last sentence. Something like this: Want to see more of this? Then click on the video your'e seeing on your screen now.

Wife Swap Fantasy Turned to Obsession And Murder (True Crime Documentary)
577K views • 3 weeks ago


Click on timestamp


This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement


Title analysis

Our competition channel uses an obvious title structure. At the beginning of the title, they use a lot of trigger words and describe what's happening. In the last part of the title, they reveal how it ended. To make it as easy as possible for you, I will give you some examples:

• Psycho obsessive girlfriend's control TURNS deadly

• Wife swap fantasy TURNED to obsession and murder

• House wife's affair with neigbor's son ENDS IN murder

Do you see what they constantly do with almost every title? They mention the topic first and then reveal how it ended (murder/obsession). So a lot of information is given away in their titles, but you as a viewer still don't know exactly what happened. For that reason, this is a very strong title structure that I would definitely recommend using as well.

True Crime Cases Studio

Used title 1

<span class="text-color-orange">Wife Swap Fantasy</span> Turned to <span class="text-color-yellow">Obsession And Murder</span> (True Crime Documentary)

This is a great title that contains many trigger words and follows the same structure they use for almost every title, as I explained above. Of course, it all starts with choosing the right (intense) topic, but the nice thing about this niche is that you have complete control over it because the stories are fake. This allows you to create the most triggering and intense title possible, and if you ask me, that's a real plus. The title structure they used goes as follows:

[TRIGGERWORD] + [TOPIC] + Turned To/Ends in + [TOPIC]

Other example:

• Psycho Husband's Affair with Teacher Ends in Obsession and Murder

True Crime Cases Studio

Used title 2

<span class="text-color-yellow">House Wife's</span> <span class="text-color-orange">Affair</span> With <span class="text-color-yellow">Neighbor's Son</span> Ends In <span class="text-color-yellow">Murder</span> (True Crime Documentary)

Here we see the same title structure again, so there’s not much more to say about that. I think the title/topic itself is also highly triggering for this audience because it’s exactly what they enjoy watching. The trigger words like "housewife," "affair," "neighbor's son," and "murder" are definitely a big reason why this audience would click on it. The only thing I'd leave out is the last part of their titles: (True Crime Documentary) because it doesn't add value and therefore the title becomes unnecessarily long and not fully readable anymore (at least the last part) so for that reason I would just leave it out. Besides that, great title!

True Crime Cases Studio

Used title 3

<span class="text-color-orange">Psychic Witch Gruesome Dark Ritual</span> <span class="text-color-yellow">Murder</span> Of These Couples (True Crime Documentary)

Among the many titles I've seen on this channel, I noticed that this one doesn’t follow the same title structure. I have to say, I find this title much less effective because it’s not clear what exactly is going on. While there are many trigger words, which is good to see, the message is much weaker compared to Titles 1 and 2, in my opinion. This title raises fewer questions and triggers less interest because the other titles give a much clearer picture of what’s happening, even though you don’t know exactly how it happened, which encourages viewers to click. So I would definitely keep the same title structure as titles 1 and 2, simply because we see that it works and because you can trigger the viewer much more with it.


Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:

Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)

Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)

True Crime Cases Studio

Used trigger words

  • Wife Swap Fantasy
  • Turned To
  • Ends in
  • Obsession
  • Murder
  • Psycho Obsessive Girlfriend
  • Control
  • Turns Deadly
  • Affair
  • Housewife
  • Innocent Love
  • Death
  • Cheating
  • Killed
  • Step Daughter
  • Secret
  • Sociopath Husband
  • Vanished
  • Honeymoon
  • Gruesome Murder
  • Husband Mistress
  • Found Dead
  • Twisted Love
  • Sexual Fantasy
  • Love Triangle
  • Sexual Swinging
  • Twisted Obsession
  • Dark Ritual Murder
  • Psycho Possessive Girlfriend

This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement


Thumbnail analysis

True Crime Cases Studio

Used thumbnail 1

An obvious thumbnail strategy

When I look at the thumbnails of our competitor's channel, I notice they all follow the same pattern: two major focus points (a man and a woman) and some text that I simply overlooked due to its size. Besides that, this thumbnail strategy is only being used by one other channel on YouTube, and that channel is also getting pretty good views.That shows us that even in this niche there is a certain thumbnail strategy being used that just shows that it works and for that reason I wouldn't change it either because if it works, it works. So, as I mentioned earlier, these crime stories don't exist, just like the people you see on this thumbnail. I checked with Google and no results came up, so I am sure also given the other thumbnails on this channel, that this was made with AI. The persons are also incredibly similar (look-alike) and are all the same size. I will discuss this further at 'how create your video', but that this is a strategy that works well is a fact.

True Crime Cases Studio

Used thumbnail 2

No triggering text

This text on this thumbnail is not triggering at all because viewers are forced to fill in or complete the text themselves now, and that’s something you rather want to avoid. If you choose to include text on a thumbnail, it should usually be a clear statement that grabs the viewer’s attention. What we see here is the opposite. Besides that, the text itself doesn’t stand out well, so I would recommend making it bigger so it's more noticeable.

True Crime Cases Studio

Used thumbnail 3

True Crime Cases Studio

Used thumbnail 4

True Crime Cases Studio

Revenue analysis

Videos that are 8-10 minutes long will be somewhat lower in RPM, probably around $4. Videos that are longer, around 30 minutes will have a higher RPM, around $7/8.

Monthly views
RPM prediction
Monthly income
Yearly income
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Jul 23, 2024

Video rating

Video analyses






Title analyses

Used Title 1

Title 2

Title 3


Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:

Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)

Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)

Used trigger words


Thumbnail analyses

Used thumbnail 1

Used thumbnail 2

Used thumbnail 3

Used thumbnail 4

True Crime Cases Studio

Revenue analyses

Monthly views
RPM prediction
Monthly income
Yearly income
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research

Did you check the other competitor channel?

We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.

Check it out
If you checked all of them, keep scrolling

Lets create

your video

Who is our target audience?

American females and males between the age of 25 and 35 that are interrested in videos between 23-30 minutes about deadly affairs, obessions and murder especially in America


Topic example

How do I find topics?

In this niche, it is important to check our competition channels to see what works well and which topics achieve a lot of views. Is there a certain pattern showing up? Because in this niche we are going to create our own topics, you can go in any direction you want. But in order not to deviate too much from the pattern that our competition channel maintains, I will explain below what I noticed during my analyses and which patterns and strategies I noticed.

If we take a look at our competition channel https://www.youtube.com/@TrueCrimeCasesStudio/videos and take a look at their popular videos, we see that the most popular videos are about:

• Swapping partners, (ends deadly).
• A psycho woman obsessed with her husband (ends deadly).

• A housewife having an affair with her neighbor's son (ends deadly)

Do you see what's happening? The topics our competition channels uses are about subjects that can be seen as ''taboo'', if you ask me. Swapping partners, affairs, a kindergarten teacher cheating with 3 men at the same time, family murders, etc. The more shocking, the better.

YouTube: I found another channel on YouTube that uses exactly the same method as our competition channel and also achieves some pretty good views with it: https://www.youtube.com/@TrueCrimeCaseFiles0/videos

Scriptwriter: What is also an option, is to have a fictional story written by a scriptwriter who uses their own imagination and can thereby create their own story. However, it is important to present it as a 'real crime story' because that is also what the competition does. Make sure that you use typical American names that are very common, so that when people do a search, it could make sense that these names do not get results. In fact, this is also the thing that makes our competition do so well, because they have a good script.

ChatGPT: If you know how to work with ChatGPT, then it's definitely possible to work with in this niche. ChatGPT can also give you a lot of inspiration, and is definitely a very smart move to use in this niche. But remember that (especially in this niche) your script is the most important thing, so I would check carefully for any errors and make sure it is a good, triggering script, as I explained at the video analysis.

Articles/video references

Because in this niche you need to create your own topics, cannot post an article here. So what I would do if I get into this niche is to use ChatGPT or a script maker who can tell a good story and use his or her imagination. (Of course with a topic in the direction of a deadly affair, obsession, a fatal love story with a teacher, a deadly love triangle etc). Maintain the structure that the competition channel uses, but create your own story.


Title example

Psycho Obsessive Wife Ends Into Deadly Torture

How to create your title?

I wanted to create a title where it is clear what it is about, but the viewer has to click to get the full answers. I kept the same title structure as the competition, and this is what I ended up with:

• Psycho Obsessive Wife Ends Into Deadly Torture


Thumbnail example

How to create your thumbnail?

Since the topics are fictional stories, it's smart to use AI for creating the faces you want on the thumbnail (which is also what the competition is doing). I used the program MidJourney, which allows you to easily generate an image through AI by providing a prompt, and this is what it came up with:


I did the same thing with the man as you can see, and I kept in mind some important things: the photo should not look too fake, and that's why I asked AI if the photo quality can be from the year 2006 because I got some results before this that seemed ''too perfect''. In fact, it is a good thing to show some imperfections because that makes it real.

Texture, Lighten, Zoom and Sharpen in Photoshop

To bring out the imperfections, I added some texture via - Camera raw filter. I also used Exposure, Whiten and Sharpen to make the faces on the thumbnail stand out even more.

Line & Drop Shadow

I also added some shadow to the top of the thumbnail because to bring out the text I'm going to add later, even more. I also added a white line in the middle to create two separate sides.

So this is what your thumbnail will look like so far, all you need to do is add the text. I chose to make the text slightly bigger than how our competition does it, because it just stands out a bit more and the focus still draws well towards the two faces. In the end, if you followed all the steps, your thumbnail will look something like this:


End result

Psycho Obsessive Wife Ends Into Deadly Torture
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Articles/video references


Creating the title


Thumbnail example


End result

Psycho Obsessive Wife Ends Into Deadly Torture
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Articles/video references


Creating the title


Thumbnail example


End result

Psycho Obsessive Wife Ends Into Deadly Torture
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Let’s talk


👀 Possible views

🤝 Cost per video

💰 RPM prediction

🏧 Income prediction

Carl Jung
Carl Jung
Carl Jung
Carl Jung

Important note

This is one of the older niches from Faceless Niches. And because of that, we cannot guarantee that all of the data in this niche is still relevant today. You can see in the competition analyses when we updated this niche last.

Before diving into any niche on Faceless Niches, we always suggest doing your own research as well. But because this is an older niche, it is even more important to do that.