Police Bodycams

Why this
This is a huge niche with a lot of views and a lot of good performing channels, but I discovered two channels in the last month that have gone insanely viral with an interesting pattern. This demonstrates that there are still plenty of opportunities in this niche.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2.United Kingdom
- 3.Canada
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Corrupt Minds
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Great hook
This hook is great and something you can use for your videos as well: "Here are 3 times teens think they are above the law"
Immediate Action
This is an old TV show trick. Showing short clips of what will happen in the rest of the video. This works really well on YouTube because most people leave within the first 5 seconds of your video, so if you give them what they clicked for right away, they'll be more likely to watch more.
Because you can't always hear what people are saying in the bodycams, subtitles are essential.
Quick start
They start with the first "case" of the video at 00:11 seconds, which is fantastic! People don't have time to wait and hear you ask them to subscribe to their channel and all that. They want to get what they clicked for as soon as possible, so don't fill up your video with unnecessary information. If you give them what they came for, they will subscribe to your channel without you having to ask.
Triggering intro
The intro of the first case is so good: "Starting with a 19 year old woman that was a passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over for going 70 miles per hour in a 40". What happens to you if you watch this part? You probably want to watch more because a few seconds ago you saw that same passenger yelling, "I didn't do anything!" and you're probably wondering why she gets caught and not the driver. Because he or she was speeding, right? What is going to happen? Great strategy!
What they do all the time is: They make a short summary of what happened and then introduce what is coming next. The trick is to have a great introduction to what's coming next with an open ending that raises questions. They finished their introduction with, "And everyone around is slowly getting annoyed." What is that doing to you? You're probably want to see how everyone else is "slowly getting annoyed" right? These minor tweaks will have a major effect on your AVD.
Clips are too long and boring
They got your attention right away with great clips and pace. But you want to keep that attention as high as possible, and nothing interesting happens from 00:17 to 00:41. I would have cut out that entire section and only shown the part beginning at 00:42. This isn't the only time their clips are too long; just don't make the same mistake and only cut out the most interesting parts.


Title analysis
Most of their titles do not contain a lot of emotional trigger words but they really understand who their target audience is and building their titles around them.
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Corrupt Minds
Used trigger words
- School Shooters
- Drunk
- Attack
- Suspect
- Terrible
- Parents
- Teens
- Above the Law
- Caught
- Cops
- Kid
- Arrested
Thumbnail analysis
Corrupt Minds
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Brightness/colors/contrast
A blue line can be seen on the edges of her shirt if you look closely at this thumbnail. That means her shirt was originally blue, but they changed it to red to make it stand out against the white background. They put up the brightness of the thumbnail dramatically to make it stand out more against YouTube's black background.
Corrupt Minds
Used thumbnail 2
✅ Thumbnail format
This thumbnail format is currently very effective. Just a person on the left and a triggering text on the right. This works so well because there aren't many focus points, making it simple to scan for people.
Corrupt Minds
Used thumbnail 3
❌ Not that triggering text
The text on this thumbnail is not particularly triggering; "I can't go to jail" is nothing out of the ordinary and is how anyone would react if they were arrested. Naked Minds, another competitor channel, has some excellent examples of thumbnail text.
Corrupt Minds
Used thumbnail 4
Corrupt Minds
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Naked Criminal
Topic analyses

Video rating
Video analyses
Same format as Criminal Minds
This channel is doing the exact same tricks as Criminal Minds. If you want to check out what they're doing, go check out the video analyses of Criminal Minds
Same format as Criminal Minds
This channel is doing the exact same tricks as Criminal Minds. If you want to check out what they're doing, go check out the video analyses of Criminal Minds


Title analyses
It's not only the titles but also the topics they choose that are very triggering. They clearly understand who their target audience is and what works.
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Naked Criminal
Used trigger words
- Seduce
- Suspect
- Cops
- Flirt
- Arrested
- Drunk
- Rich kids
Thumbnail analyses
Naked Criminal
Used thumbnail 1
✅ Brightness/colors/contrast
They edited the color of the shirt to make it stand out, just like on Criminal Minds. They also increased the brightness significantly to make it stand out against YouTube's black background.
Naked Criminal
Used thumbnail 2
✅ Creative and realistic phrases
They're really good at combining a moment with triggering phrases. This picture with this phrase is so well found (not the red color because it's not good readable.)
Naked Criminal
Used thumbnail 3
✅ Triggering phrases
Given that 80% of the audience is male, these thumbnails with a sexual undertone are performing great. This is allowed under YouTube rules because there is no sexual content, but it still triggers in this way. This thumbnail has received over 3 million views.
Naked Criminal
Used thumbnail 4
Corrupt Minds
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
Copyright explanation
I'm not a lawyer, and this is what I know based on some Google research, so please confirm this with your own research as well. I'm not responsible for any copyright strikes, I'm just sharing everything I know.
In the United States, any citizen or organization can apply for a Public Record Request at a police station, where they can request bodycam, security camera, and dashcam footage from a police case. This footage, which the police station is releasing, is always (as the name implies) a freely available record and may be used copyright free. But there is one thing to mention. Most of the time, when someone makes a Public Records Request, you must pay the police station a fee for the work they have to do. When someone receives those records, they frequently assume that they own the rights to them. As far as I know, that is not true, and they do not have that right because the records are public. However, please confirm this for yourself.
So far as I know, the only way to get "in trouble" is to use a bodycam video from another channel with a watermark from that channel. Because they can recognize their watermark and assume they own the rights to that video and can send you a strike (even though they are not in their right, as far as I am aware). So what I would do is use footage without watermarks or overlay the watermark with something else, such as your logo, so they can't tell you used their video.
Footage information
With that in mind, you'll need to find about three "cases" to make your video longer than eight minutes. You'll be there if every case you'll be doing is around 3 minutes, depending on how long the footage you've found is. Most of the time you can find great footage on these channels:
Law & Crime (Easy to overlay their watermark)
This video is perfect for our target audience. They hate it when parents put their children in dangerous situations like we have learned from reading the comments from the competition channels. I found this video by simply typing into the YouTube search bar: teen parent bodycam. You can easily cover the watermark up with your logo for example.
Articles/video references

Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
As we have learned from our analyses, we need to start looking for a funny or weird looking moment where we can add a trigger text to. I found this moment in the middle of the reference video and took a screenshot of it.

End result

As you can see, the woman's shirt was not previously orange. I chose to make her shirt orange because if you look quickly, you can see a american criminal suit, and orange is a great color to contrast against YouTube's black background.
Text and style
I chose to use the same text and style as a thumbnail of corrupt minds because that video has over 6.2 million views. That thumbnail has to be good, so I would definitely try that out.
Left to right
Like you can see, I have turned the image around because the audience is Western, and they are reading from left to right. If it's possible, I would recommend you to do that as well. You're seeing this as well on the competition thumbnails.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
What stands out is the presence of many parents in the comments of these videos, and these are precisely the videos that do well in this niche, in which parents (or teens) make mistakes so that parents can comment on them.
Good cop, bad cop
Both sides are doing a great job. People appreciate it when they see a cop doing good work, but it also frustrates them when they make mistakes.
It is clear that the target audience are parents. So we need to look for videos that will trigger someone (good or bad) who has children.
What does the audience not like?
I don't know a niche where they like clickbait, but in this niche that plays a bigger role than in other niches. Make sure where your video starts with, comes back in your thumbnail.