Internet Crime Stories

Why this
The competition of this niche had only 5 videos online with already millions of views. Aside from that, I believe there is plenty to improve on the thumbnails side and as well for some details on their videos. This is the first niche I have found with Faceless Niches Outliers which is hugely promising.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Moon Crime
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Fantastic intro!
Within the first few seconds this video got me. Why? Because I immediately get to see what I clicked for. People click on this video because they want to see 'TikTok's Most Disturbing Videos', and in the first few seconds of this video they give you just that.
Showing real footage but...
First off, let me say that this is a strong transition from intro to story. As I above, people came here to see real footage. So that's why I post this one under ''Do's'' because it's great that they show this right away. But... they do take a little risk here because they show a lot of TikTok's in a row that are not ''disturbing'' at all. I understand that they want to build the story, but now it can look like a bad compilation video where there is no ''disturbing'' TikTok video at all. In fact, this part is 8 seconds long and consists of TikTok's from her happy, dancing father. A bit of a risk if you ask me. Give the viewer a short shocking clip of the person in question instead of showing her happy dancing dad at the beginning of your video/story.
''but there was something going on in her life, that was far more complex and distressing than a TikTok present suggested..''
This is great. This makes the viewer curious, and it can raise questions such as: What was going on with her? What was she suffering from? As a result, the viewer watches forward.
Sound Effects and background music
The combination of using a hook with a sound effect is something they do very well here. This brings the viewer even more into the story and makes the hook even more dramatic. Also, the background music is perfect. Spooky tone that is not in the foreground but certainly determines the atmosphere of the video.
Showing real TikTok account
Showing this makes the story even more believable, people can look it up for themselves and watch the TikTok's by themselves. When I saw this in this video, I also immediately wanted to take a look at her channel to see what videos she has posted there. Adding this to your video will give people another confirmation that this is a real story that happened. Great choice.
''Real'' stock footage
I'm sure you guys know by now that I'm not a fan of stock footage. I always say: only use this if you can't do otherwise.
And if you use it, make sure you don't show faces. I have seen at this channel that they generally use good stock footage. They show the weather, dark shadows, a room being filmed, a knife, etc. This is fine.
Bad transition
This transition does not trigger at all to continue watching the video. They just don't give the viewer any reason to continue watching. Especially since if you have just watched such an intense story, you are now forced to start from the beginning again. Use the trick I explained in other niches to take the viewer in to the next case as well. This channel could have easily just told one simple sentence like this at the end and I'm sure that a lot more people would stay:
1. But if you thought this story was intense, we really need to talk about....
2. But if you thought you had already seen the worst, then you're wrong....
3. Speaking off teenagers doing weird things on the Internet, then you really need to watch this one....
Use a terrifying sound effect like they did earlier in the video. You want the viewer to watch the next clip as well, so make sure you trigger them enough and pay a lot of attention to this part of your script, because this is very important.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Moon Crime
Used trigger words
- TikTok
- Dark Web
- Worst Crimes
- Most Disturbing
- Moments
- Livestream
- Caught On
- Reddit History
- Disturbing Video's
Thumbnail analysis
Moon Crime
Used thumbnail 1

❌ No triggers
You tell me what should be triggering on this thumbnail. The person on the left shows no emotion or isn't famous (as far as I know), the background isn't showing anything interesting, and the text "Dark Web Crimes" doesn't do much either. This can be way better, and I will show how I would do it in "lets create your video".
Moon Crime
Used thumbnail 2

❌ No real footage
If you replace the girl on the left with a real "dark stream" moment, you'll have a way more triggering thumbnail. The girl on the left is probably someone who's in the video, but we can't see that on the thumbnail. Show a moment of her in a livestream doing something "dark".
Moon Crime
Used thumbnail 3
Moon Crime
Used thumbnail 4
Moon Crime
Revenue analysis
Because this channel's videos are sometimes around 30 minutes long, the RPM is probably on the high side.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Moon Crime
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How do I find topics?
The most challenging part of this niche is finding topics. It's important to look at shocking internet crime stories that has a connection or has happened on various platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram, Reddit, Youtube, Discord, X or any other social media platform. I started my research at TikTok and I searched on the search term: TikTok Killers and then came across this channel:
He has 2 playlists:
1. Terrible TikTok Creators (28 parts long).
2.Youtubers Who Killed (5 parts long)
If I had to make a whole video, I should have taken a couple of the most shocking videos from the "Terrible TikTok Creators" playlist and made a full video out of them. Then I would do more in-depth research on the names and videos and send it all to my team. I liked the first video of the playlist the most, which showed a mother murdering her three-year-old child. There is a lot of footage of her story available which is essential for making a great video. The more footage you have, the better your video will be.
Title example
Thumbnail example
Thumbnail format
I chose to go for a completely different thumbnail format then the competition is doing because I don't think their thumbnails are triggering enough. Like I already mentioned I would recommend using real moments in your thumnbnail so there is where I started. I looked for a video of Nicola Priest and her daughter on TikTok and I found this picture:

TikTok layout
Then I started looking for a TikTok layout that I can put over this image so that it looks like it's a screenshot from her TikTok. I typed into Google: TikTok layout free PSD (PSD means Photoshop file) and I found this one: https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/social-media-banner-post-with-tiktok-window-gradient-background_40736818.htm#query=tiktok%20overlay%20png&position=0&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=e75c8b46-6a96-4809-ab74-32b94159cefb
End result

What did I do?
- I created two copies of her picture --> added a blur --> placed it into the background
- Added the TikTok format on top of the image, as well as some background shadows on the image and the TikTok format to make it stand out more.
- Added some brightness filters to make it stand out more against the black YouTube background and made quality of the picture a little sharper.
- Then I added an arrow and a title, which I believe is the finishing touch to this thumbnail. The arrow will attract a lot of attention, especially when combined with the sentence "KILLED DAUGHTER."
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Disturbing stories
This audience enjoys watching disturbing stories. You can compare it to watching a horror movie, you know that what you will see is not fun, but you still want to watch it. The more intense the story, the more this target group expresses their feelings in the comments. Think of gruesome livestreams, tiktok killers, Internet stalking stories, the more shocking the better.
Expressing their feelings about The Internet
There are many concerned parents in this niche. Parents who fear the same thing will happen to their children. They dislike platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, Reddit and express their feelings about this in the comments.
What does the audience not like?
Robot voice over
One of the comments I came across is that they don't like a robot voice over. A bad AI voice over that does not pronounce correct names.