WW2 Stories

Why this
In this niche, I've found a channel that now achieves more than 1.6M views per month. Besides that, if you can start giving this target group what they've actually been waiting for, then you can easily outperform your competition. So if you are interested in stories about World War II, then this niche might be the one for you.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
WW2 Tales
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Start the story right away
Since this target audience also enjoys listening to these stories as a podcast, it is smart to just start the story right away. No long-winded intro, but immediately give the viewer what they are clicking for.
Great storytelling
''I was a sergeant in Rommel's Afrika Korps, and had planned this escape for weeks... The moment had arrived, and my life now hung in the balance.''
One of the reasons why this target audience likes watching these types of videos is because of the way the story is told. As a viewer, you really get an insight into that person's diary. There are a lot of comments about how they feel about this story being so gripping and well told. All the details that are named in the video allow you to empathize with the story very well, and that allows this target audience to watch the video longer. I'll go into more details about that at 'lets create your video' where you can find these types of stories.
Triggering emotion
As I was listening to this video, this was the moment that triggered me just right. Why? Because if you keep telling the story in the same tone for the whole video, it can get a little boring and monotonous. So make sure that your voice-over also use some different tones. Obviously not too often, but doing this every now and then in your video can definitely trigger the viewer a lot.
Using a male voice-over, but...
There are some mixed opinions about this voice-over. Some people don't have a problem with this voice-over (actually like this voice), and others recognize AI immediately. In this niche, I would definitely go for a male voiceover, because it fits better in this niche. Also because there are just slightly more men than women watching these videos. When I was reading the comments, most people are fine with this voice over, but what they don't like are mistakes made by AI. So if you want to work with AI, it is definitely possible in this niche, but keep checking your voice-over for mistakes, to avoid negative comments about AI.
Based on true stories
In this part of the video, there are details named that you can look up for yourself as a viewer. In fact, during my analysis, I found out that there are a lot of people who are actually going to search for the story. I've also seen that if it becomes clear to the viewer that it is a fictional story written by ChatGPT, that this is not appreciated. So I would definitely search for real diaries/biographies written from the German perspective in this niche.
No sound effects
This would have been a very good part to add some sound effects. I wouldn't use background music in this niche, simply because I see that the competition channels don't do this as well, and also because it can distract too much. But to add a sound effect in your video, can give your video more value and can make the viewer go even deeper into the story.
Don't use only one image
The fact that only one photo is used for a video that is 48 minutes long is a missed opportunity if you ask me. And don't get me wrong because I know there are also many people who only listen to this video and use it as a podcast, but if you make sure that your audience also has the choice to actually watch these videos then you can trigger even more people. I've seen a few times in the comment section that people say how great it would be if a movie would be made of this, or that they would like to see more pictures than just one. They are not asking for a 'high quality documentary', but if you would give this target group a little more value than just only one image, then it also becomes much more interesting to start watching these videos as well.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
WW2 Tales
Used trigger words
- Reached America
- Must Surrender
- Landed in America
- Germany
- War
- German Girls
- American GLS
- America
- We Never Stood A Chance.
- Landed
- Normandy
- Absolutely Shocked
- German Companies
- Realized
- Lose The War
- Soviet Soldier
- Japan
- North Africa
- We Knew It was Over
- Attacking American Forces
- American Aircraft
- German 12th Army
- Soldiers
- American Pilots
- Prisoner
- The American Zone
- Comrades
Thumbnail analysis
WW2 Tales
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Using a photo from a movie
This is a smart trick that can work very well in this niche, using photos for your thumbnail that are actually from a movie. That way, there is a huge change that the viewer will recognize the actor or movie and that can trigger them a lot. In fact, this thumbnail has now received more than 1.1M clicks, and I think that's also due to this 'well-known' movie.
WW2 Tales
Used thumbnail 2

✅ Realistic images
All the imagines we see on this channel are having this very realistic look, and I believe that this works very well because we have learned that this audience loves to watch and listen to real stories. So don't use photos that look fake, or where you can clearly see that it was made with AI. This audience appreciates the authenticity of these stories, and I understand that you may now be thinking: but a movie is fake too, right? Yes, that's true, but what matters is the realistic picture, and you can only get that from a movie.
WW2 Tales
Used thumbnail 3
WW2 Tales
Used thumbnail 4
WW2 Tales
Revenue analysis
Generally the rpm will be around $3-5. If you go for longer videos then the rpm can be a bit higher and can go up to around $8.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
WW2 Tales
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How do I find topics?
What is important in this niche is that you look closely at the competition channels to see what kind of titles/topics are doing well. This channel uses a lot of long videos with multiple parts. I would not necessarily focus so much on which playlists are doing well, but just observe per video. Which topics are doing well? What is the title? I checked our competition channel WW2 Stories and I saw a certain pattern with the most popular videos. Let's take a look:
• When we reached America, it was the most unusual sight for us...
• We must surrender to the Americans...
• When I landed in America, I realized that Germany did not stand a chance in war.
• I saw a part of America, I never knew existed. We never stood a chance.
If you take a look at these topics, you will see a pattern where in every title it becomes clear that the veteran had been wrong about America, or that they never had a chance to win. So I would definitely continue with topics like these, because we see that this is what this audience wants to see: stories from the perspective of a German soldier, coming to America in which they are realizing a lot (never stood a change, they must surrender, not a chance in war etc).
So, where can you find these topics?
E-books: these stories are from books, and that's why the storytelling is so good. I started reading carefully in the comments and then came across the hashtag #audiobooks and this comment:

If you ask me, this is very interesting because there are some websites that allow you to read a demo of those e-books for free, so you can get a lot of inspiration from them.
• https://www.overdrive.com/search?q=world+war+2&f-formatClassification=
ChatGPT: You can also run this by ChatGPT, but just know that this audience really values true stories. They want to look up even more information after hearing such an intense story, and that's where it often goes wrong. People will search after listening to these stories for names, places, POW camps etc. Once they notice at that point that it's a fictional story, they immediately give their opinion about it in the comments.
It's best to search for a true German war story, where you can mention those real places/names, and have it rewritten by a scriptwriter or ChatGPT. That way, you are also not copying the entire story of the book and can make it even more triggering.
I then started doing some research on Google to see where I could download (free) e-books. I kept well in mind that the book should be about a German soldier, because we want to show the German perspective to the target audience, because we see that works well. In the end I ended up at this site https://www.overdrive.com/media/8843759/diary-of-a-german-soldier and here you can read the first part of the book for free, so that's definitely a plus. After some scrolling, I ended up with this e-book: Diary of a German Soldier. I'll link the article down below.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
Since I want to keep the same movie-style for my thumbnails, I searched on Google and used these keywords: German soldier movie, and came up with this picture:

Sharpen in Photoshop
I want to make the photo as sharp as possible, so I did the following steps in Photoshop: Filter - Camera Raw Filter - Detail - Sharpening at 150.
Since the competition channels don't use any text on their thumbnails, I choose to leave that out either. That way, the soldier remains the focus point, and people may think this it's about the movie when they see this thumbnail, as a result: click.
Eventually, then this is your result:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Memories WW2
This audience will share a lot of their experiences and memories of what they, or their family members, went through during that time. The comments are full of this.
The German perspective
The target audience that are watching these videos are mostly American, and they are really interested to see the perspective of the German soldier. They can finally see some things from the other side. There's no hate towards German soldiers in the comments, this target group enjoys just listening to stories like this and learn a lot about history this way.
What does the audience not like?
Also in this niche there is a lot of use of AI voice-overs, probably because the videos are a bit longer than usual. I must say that I haven't seen many hateful comments about this AI voice over, some people commented that they actually liked his voice to listen to, so if you want to work with AI in this niche it's definitely possible. But they don't like it when there are mistakes in the voice-over. So, whether you want to work with or without AI, make sure you always check your voice-over to make sure that there are no mispronunciations in your video.
Using only one photo for the whole video
The stories being told in this niche can be compared to a podcast: long videos, with using only one photo for the whole video. And that's also why not everyone has a problem with this, because there are also many people who only use this as a podcast. But I think that's a real missed opportunity, because as you can see there are also people who would like to watch these WW2 stories, and if you only show one photo in your whole video than you'll lose them. I'll go into more details about this at the video analysis.