Animal Births

Why this
This is such an interesting niche because the channels in the "main niche" are showing an interesting pattern. Their most popular videos are all about animal births and there is just one channel that has also noticed this pattern and is doing great with those topics. So something to try out for sure!
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1.United States
- 2.Canada
- 3.United Kingdom
- 4.Australia
- 5.Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
There are numerous other animal story channels, but they only post animal birth videos on occasion.
What's astonishing because whenever they post an animal birth video, it always does well.
Animal Stories Rewind is the only channel that has recognized and anticipated on this pattern.
That's why I decided to focus purely on that channel and provide some additional channel links below.
If you look at their most popular videos, you will notice that the majority of them are about pregnancy, birth, or mother/child relationship videos:
The Awesome Stories (just started)
Animal Stories Rewind
Topic analysis
Video rating
Video analysis
Love this part:
"Unfortunately, the moment arrived that they had to be separated because the tiger cubs grew larger." I love that part because like we have learned, we have an emotional audience and this is a great way to emotionally trigger your audience and draw them into the story.
Great script trick
"however, two years later something happened that no one could have ever imagined". Great story telling! This will make your audience watch all the way through whatever comes after this sentence.
First sentence
It's a small detail, but I'd remove the first sentence, "we all have heard that love can cross all boundaries." It's not that it's totally wrong, but starting with the second sentence "this dog named Lou raised three tiger cubs" will result in a stronger first seconds of your video. People are more likely to leave your video within the first few seconds if they do not get what they clicked for. So you want to get to the point of what they clicked for as quickly as possible, and that first sentence adds no value at that point in the video.
Use better clip
As explained previously, your first seconds are crucial for deciding whether people will stay or leave, and while using the same image as the thumbnail is not entirely incorrect, at 4:49 you will see a video clip of the dog and the tiger cubs. I would have used that instead of the picture, and if the video had sound, it would have been even better. Then I would have played that clip first, followed by the voice over. This is a much better way of starting your video.
Music volume
What we have learned from analyzing the comments is that the audience is watching because they love an emotional story. Music is a great way to trigger emotions, so make sure your audience can hear it.
No engaging editing
There is no engaging editing with sound effects, changing music, or highlighting words from the voice over. The editing style is extremely boring, and there is a lot to be won here.
Stock footage
If you've read any of my other niche analyzes, you'll know that using stock footage is a no-no. Especially at the beginning of your video and when your audience enjoys emotional content. They use it often in the rest of their video as well. It's better to use newspapers or articles, animate pictures or other animations, short clips from animal television programs or movies (look out for copyrights and keep them short or edit them)

Way less stock footage than video 1
I only caught them once or twice using stock footage. However, there is still much to be improved in terms of what content to show in order to make it more engaging. Newspapers or articles, for example, animate pictures or other animations, short clips from animal television shows or movies (look out for copyrights and keep them short or edit them)
Music volume
What we have learned from analyzing the comments is that the audience is watching because they love an emotional story. Music is a great way to trigger emotions, so make sure your audience can hear it.
No engaging editing
There is no engaging editing with sound effects, changing music, or highlighting words from the voice-over. The editing style is extremely boring, and there is a lot to be won here.
Script mistake
The voice-over starts talking about someone named Simon out of nowhere, with no explanation. I believe there is a significant drop in their AVD here because it's a really boring piece. They did a better job with their script in their first video.

Title analysis
When you look at their titles, you'll notice that you can't read the full titles for the majority of them, which shows that there is a lot of room for improvement. On the other hand, they're using some great emotional trigger words that we can learn from.
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Animal Stories Rewind
Used trigger words
- Gave Birth
- Abandoned
- Screamed
- Shocked
- Rare
- Dying
- Euthanize
- Rescued
- Adopted
- Rejected
- Refuses
- Injured
- Unexpected
- Discovered
- Twins
- Wild
Thumbnail analysis
Animal Stories Rewind
Used thumbnail 1
✅ Simple, realistic and triggers
They probably edited this photo to make the dog's stomic look bigger, but you can't see it at all. It's realistic, simple, and triggers because it appears strange. I probably would try to use some triggering text as well, but that's something you have to try out and see how it performs.
Animal Stories Rewind
Used thumbnail 2
❌ Doesn't trigger enough
If you compare this thumbnail with the first one, this one is completely misplaced. The only thing that could be triggering for this audience is the baby, but you have to look really close to see that. This video got more then 400K+ views, imagine what this video could have done with a great thumbnail.
Animal Stories Rewind
Used thumbnail 3

❌ This thumbnail has 4.3M views
When I saw this thumbnail and saw that this had 4.3M views, I just couldn't believe my eyes. The only triggering thing (for this audience) is probably the tiger's with the dog. It's look cute but worth 4.3M views? Nah. But on the other hand, this means that you can go viral with the most simple and ugly thumbnails there are.
Animal Stories Rewind
Used thumbnail 4
✅ Arrow or circle
Again, this thumbnail has 1.1M views without being amazingly good. But if we have to analyze what could be good about this thumbnail, the arrow and circle makes it interesting. It's triggering because you think what is happening there.
Animal Stories Rewind
Revenue analysis
This revenue is already great to create a living, but there is so much more room for improvement in the titles, videos, and thumbnails. If you do it correctly, you can get a lot more out of it.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Animal Stories Rewind
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
Pregnant dog
We know we need to find a topic about animals giving birth. But the topic will work even better if it's a rare or sad story with an happy ending. On this channel you can find a lot of these stories: The Moho
You're free to use their video's if you mention them in your video and description (see about page on their channel)
I also chose one of their newer videos because if you choose one of their most popular ones, there is a good chance that your audience has already seen it.
Title example
Thumbnail example
I took a screenshot from the reference video and I tried to take a screenshot of the dog looking at his worst.

End result

I have chosen to keep it as simple as possible because of the competition thumbnail analyses we have done. Just a picture of an animal looking in trouble.
Arrow and text
As we have learned from the competition thumbnail analyses, using an arrow or a circle is effective. I also have chosen to include text. This is something no other competitor is doing, so I should test it out to see if it works.
The majority of YouTube users use the dark mode, which gives their interface a black background. Therefore, you should use colors that stand out against a black background. This is an extremely challenging image to work with due to its poor quality, but I've tried to make the thumbnail as colorful as possible without breaking the picture itself.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Animal kindness
They love to see animal kindness. You can find a lot of these comments.
Emotional stories
One of the most common reasons people watch these videos is to see an emotional story. Many people have commented that they are crying (in a good way) while watching these videos.
Pregnant woman/mothers
Really interesting information is that there are many comments in which people mention that they are pregnant or are mothers. Let us use that in our strategy plan.
What does the audience not like?
Video stretching
This can be a difficult problem depending on your topic because you want your videos to be longer than 8 minutes. So you must keep your videos engaging and interesting enough so that your audience isn't aware that you're stretching your video.
Missing crucial information
For example, forget to mention who the father is of a pregnant gorilla is something they want to know.