
Why this
I found two channels in this niche that both started only 4 months ago and bringing in millions of views now. One competition channel I found is even achieving 8.3M views per month, so there is no doubt that this niche still offers plenty of opportunities. Besides that, there is hardly anyone more talked about than Donald Trump. His controversial statements and the coming up elections, guarantee there's always something to discuss and that's exactly why this niche is so interesting.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. Canada
- 3. United Kingdom
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
The US Reporter
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Great start!
'A short clip has recently gone viral that is even embarrassing for Donald Trump...'
This is a very good intro where they start the story right away. No long-winded intro, but straight to the point. Besides that, the first sentence of this script is also very good because as a viewer, you can get a lot of questions from that. A short clip of Donald Trump going viral recently? What? Did I miss this? This can cause a lot of FOMO to the viewer, and for that reason people won't click away so easily. Very good intro.
Real footage
Something that shows up in multiple niches, but therefore not less important to mention: using real footage in your video. Especially in this niche, since Donald Trump is quite famous for his statements, I would definitely use real footage in your video, just like the competition channel does. Adding real footage also makes the video less monotonous because you can pause the voice-over from time to time, and you can trigger the viewer even more. However, it's important that you keep these fragments short because of the copyright. I will go into more details about that on 'let's create your video.'
This is fine, but...
Although no high quality video editing effects were added, this video editing is fine because the story is just being told in a good way. It's not great, but certainly not bad either, for this niche. But if you take a look at competition channel 2, you'll see that they used a lot more video effects without being too chaotic. I don't want to put this vide editing under don'ts because it's fine, but if you compare this video editing to our competition channel 2 you'll notice the difference.
Great hook, but...
'Having trump is already a curse... But the fun wasn't over yet for Kimmel...'
Good hooks are a must to use in your video because it keeps the viewer watching the video longer, which in turn has a positive effect on your AVD. So, that's something they did well here. This hook can also raise some questions to the viewer, such as: 'Huh? What else did Kimmel do? - As a result, they continue watching. But, I believe there could be some more triggering hooks in this video, but I'll discuss that further in the don'ts.
A smart way to fill up your video is by doing this. As I said before, most people know Trump because of his statements, and we can found countless memes and jokes about him. We have seen in the comments that this target audience is not a big fan of Trump, so I think it's a smart move to joke about him, and especially to mention some negative things in your video that will trigger this target audience even more. This will ensure that there will be even more commotion in the comments.
Not enough triggering hooks
Don't get me wrong because I think the hooks that were used are good, but sometimes I noticed that the video became a little too long-winded or too much off-topic. For that reason, I personally would put a few more triggering hooks into the script so that you can be sure that the viewer remains curious, and wants to watch the video until the end. As an example:
• But if you thought this was it, you're wrong.
• Speaking off *mention case*, that is nothing compared to what is happening here * announce next case*
• But if you thought that was all Trump did, you really need to take a look at *announce next case*
Bad background music
The first part of this video has some very good, actually a little scary background music until I reached the timestamp 2:02. If you asked me, I think this music isn't a good fit for this niche. Unlike the first part of the video, the editor really didn't use the right music here. I would stay a bit in the same style as the first part of this video or take a look at competition channel 2, because they use some background music which fits a lot better for in this niche.


Title analysis
What I've noticed when I was doing my research, is that the most popular videos of this channel all contain the same title strategy:
Besides that, I've seen that there are also, other title strategies although the titles are generally similar. But if there is one thing that keeps coming up with every title on this competition channel, it's this:
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
The US Reporter
Used trigger words
- Just Destroyed
- Trump
- Just Obliterated
- Judge
- Jimmy Kimmel
- Just Owned
- Taylor Swift
- Shady Loans
- Just Humiliated
- Leslie Jones
- Just Demolished
- Campaign
- Just Exposed
- Tantrum
- Just Promised to Destroy
- Insane
- Stupid
- Explodes
- Just Publicly
- Humiliated
- Just Wrecked
- JUST Crushed
- Loses It
- Retarded Statement
- Stephen Colbert
- Jon Stewart
- Seth Meyers
- Bill Maher
- Larry David
- Huge Bombshell
- Trial
- Breaks Down
Thumbnail analysis
The US Reporter
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Showing the right facial expression
A very good thumbnail where we see a triggering text with on the left side Jimmy, and on the right side a 'crying' Donald Trump. And that is exactly the thing I like the most about this thumbnail, because they really focused on showing the right emotion. Knowing that our target audience is not a big fan of Trump, this thumbnail will definitely trigger them.
The US Reporter
Used thumbnail 2

✅ 3 Focus points
This channel has understood the rule of using no more than 3 focal points well. I also like the yellow color of the text, because it stands out more (especially when combined with red). Again, we can see that they used some intense facial expressions again, which will trigger the target audience a lot. Something I noticed is that Trump's facial expression on almost every thumbnail is anger, and the famous person or comedian on the left are often the opposite: happy. Not on all thumbnails, but it does show a clear contrast between two people on one thumbnail. And that is something that is very important, because it allows you to tell a clear message with your thumbnail. I will go into this a little bit more at 'How to create your thumbnail.'
The US Reporter
Used thumbnail 3
The US Reporter
Used thumbnail 4
The US Reporter
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
The Vote
Topic analyses

Video rating
Video analyses
Great start
In the first 5 seconds of the video, the viewer immediately gets what they clicked for. The question they could have, while looking at the title, is answered in the first seconds of this video. Because it's such a short fragment, the viewer will be triggered to continue watching the video, and that's exactly what you want to create. Great intro!
News broadcasts
Something that trigger the viewer a lot, is using news broadcasts in your video. Adding news broadcasts to your video makes the story of your video much more believable and real because people can see with their own eyes that this was actually on the news. However, this always remains a risk due to copyright problems. So it's best to keep it short because that obviously reduces the risk, and then you can reduce it to fair use.
Nice video editing
I like this video editing for this niche. There are some nice effects added, without being too chaotic. If you want to start in this niche, I would definitely take an example of this.
Transitioning of the background music
They use some good transitions of the background music, so that you do not stick too long in the story and that the next case in the video becomes more interesting to continue watching. These are mall details, but not less important. The use of background music is an incredibly important factor because it can really set the tone of your video, and that's why it's important to switch from time to time if the story goes in a different direction.
AI voice over
Using a bad AI voiceover can make your video sound boring and very monotone. Including a voiceover with emotion, adds a lot more depth and engagement to your content. It's important to choose a voiceover that doesn't sound like it's simply reading a boring Wikipedia script, but tell the story with genuine emotion to trigger your audience more.
Bad transitions
As I was watching this video, I felt no reason to continue watching this video at this time. Why? Because I wasn't triggered enough. The transition from case 1 to case 2 does not trigger enough, it just seems like you are just going to watch another video if you ask me. Try to stick to the KickFlix way that I have explained in other niches as well, make sure you keep the target audience hooked and give them enough reasons to watch case 2 as well. Some examples I'd add for a better transition:
• Speaking of alleged actions, that's nothing compared to the legal challenges Trump faces in the early days of his Presidency.
• But here's where it gets even more interesting... *Announce next case*
• But if you thought this was all, think again. *Announce next case*
Too much clickbait
By posting videos that are generally longer than 8 to 10 minutes, it also means you have to keep the viewer triggered longer. The idea that the lawyer has quit because Trump smells so bad can come across as clickbait. You also see comments being made about this and links being made to minute 14:50 by the community. So that means that they went a little bit too far in this video. The link with the lawyer is also not made in the video but with a completely different person, which therefore gives viewers the feeling that you are not giving them what they came for. And don't get me wrong because in this niche it's actually very good to push the boundaries, but make sure you don't go too far because then your target audience will start to recognize your channel as "Clickbait" and therefore not be willing to click on your videos anymore. So make sure you push the limits, but don't go too far.


Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
The Vote
Used trigger words
- New Footage
- Donald Trump
- Sexual Assault
- Trump's Lawyer
- Trump's Campaign Director
- Trump's PR Team
- Can't Hide
- Attendees
- Dramatically
- Donald Trump's CFO
- Sentenced
- Deep Trouble
- Abusing
- Millions
- Exposed
- Racist
- Black Community
- Sensitive Details
- Huge Announcement
- Shocking message in Court
- Destroys
- Blast
- Betraying
- Drops a Bombshell
- Obama
- Policies
- Court Sentence
- Biden
- Leaked
- Secret
- New Scandals
Thumbnail analyses
The Vote
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Very triggering thumbnail
This thumbnail belongs to title number 2: 'New Footage of Donald Trump In Sexual Assault Case Goes Viral.' What they did very well here is making the thumbnail so triggering that if you'd only look at the thumbnail without the title, that's already enough. And if you'd ask me, that's the moment that you know that you're thumbnail is very good.
The Vote
Used thumbnail 2

✅ Max 3 focus points
They have well understood the rule of not using more than 3 focal points in your thumbnail. What I've also noticed is that the thumbnails that show this message, are receiving a lot of views on this competition channel. The message they want to convey is clear, you see Trump in the middle as a focus point with an empty tribune on the background and to make it even more clear a triggering text. Good thumbnail!
The Vote
Used thumbnail 3

❌ Not triggering enough
This is a good example of what your thumbnail will look like if you don't add a triggering text to it. I may understand that some people would click, but we can make it a lot more triggering if we would add some text on it. As example:
• 16 YEARS!
This way, your audience will understand much better what kind of message you want to convey with your thumbnail, and it stand out a lot better if you asked me.
The Vote
Used thumbnail 4
The US Reporter
Revenue analyses
Because this competition channel makes the videos a little bit longer (20-28min) it's possible that the RPM can be higher.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How to find topics?
IMPORTANT: This niche has the potential to go viral quickly, but there are also some serious risks involved. If you want to go viral, you'll need to push beyond the limits of this niche. That means you must pay close attention to your title and thumbnail so that you can trigger your audience as much as possible, which may contain some clickbait.
It is very important to pay close attention to the latest news surrounding Donald Trump, because that is where the views come from: this niche is news-based. This audience enjoys being informed about the drama surrounding Donald Trump. Even if they don't like him, if they are triggered by the thumbnail, this target audience will click. Besides that, we can see an obvious pattern at both competition channels that the most popular videos are about something that JUST happened. I have noticed a few things that are very important for choosing your topics.
• The name Jimmy Kimmel often appears in the most popular videos.
• Topics/titles that include: Breaking NEWS/New Footage!
• People close to Trump making statements about Trump. As an example: His lawyer, PR team, Campaign Director, CFO etc.
You can also get a lot of topic inspiration by:
Google News: On Google, search for Donald Trump and then navigate to 'News.' You'll see that you will get a lot of page with articles about Trump,
YouTube: Keep a close eye on the competition channels The US Reporter and The Vote so you can see if certain topics are catching on better than others. As an example: Jimmy Kimmel.
TikTok: You can also find interesting videos on TikTok. Use the search term "Donald Trump" and click on the 3 dots at the top right of your screen. There you can filter by sort - Number of likes - Video category - All - Posting date - This week/last 24 hours. That way, you can find the most recently posted TikToks about Trump that got the most likes. As example: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJn4rxND/
I searched on the name Donald Trump on YouTube and filtered on: Last Week - View Count so that I can clearly see what the most popular videos are about, and which topics are doing good. So the result was very interesting, because the first video I saw received more than 2.2M views within 5 days and is from the YouTube channel Jimmy Kimmel Live. Since we know from our competition channel that the videos with the name Jimmy Kimmel receive a lot of views, I continued my research on that.
I then expanded my research further via Google News and came across this website: https://www.huffpost.com/news/topic/donald-trump. On this website you can find many news articles about Trump, and you can also get some inspiration for your titles. I was looking for an article where it becomes clear that Jimmy Kimmel wanted to bring Trump down, or that Jimmy Kimmel made another certain statement about Trump that our target audience might agree with. I'll link the articles down below.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
First, I went looking for an image of Jimmy Kimmel where he is smiling and an image of Trump where he looks angry. That way, we can bring out the right facial expressions and create a better contrast with two people on one thumbnail.

Rectangle tool
With the rectangle tool (click on Line tool in Photoshop and then right-click - rectangle tool) you can very easily create square/rectangular areas. I chose for the colors red and white so that it stand out more, and it suits the design.

Sharpen, Brightness and Text
I used some filters to make the thumbnail a lot sharper. I did this by the following steps: Filter - Camera Raw Filter - Effects - Texture +56 - Light - Exposure +1.20 - Detail - Sharpening 150.
Then I added the text: JIMMY EXPOSED TRUMP! Because if you would only look at this thumbnail without text, it would not be triggering at all. That's why it's so important to put a triggering text on your thumbnails in this niche, so that the message you want to convey with your thumbnails becomes even clearer.
Some other examples you could also use for your thumbnail:
Eventually, if you have followed all the steps, this will be the final result:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
A controversial audience is basically a group of people who have different strong opinions about Donald Trump. Some people really like him and think he's great, while others can't stand him and think he's terrible. This can lead to a lot of arguing and debating among the group. Basically, it's all about having really strong feelings and different viewpoints on the subject. The good thing about the videos is that it works well for both sides.
What has he done now? This is how people look every time Donald Trump is back in the news. So to make content about this, you know there are a lot of returning viewers who are curious to see what happens next in the soap drama series around DONALD TRUMP.
What does the audience not like?
Not the content they want
This will lead to less engagement from viewers who have already seen or heard similar information somewhere else. To keep viewers engaged and coming back for more, it's important to provide fresh, relevant content. Posting old information may not attract and retain an audience as effectively as providing new insights and updates on Trump-related topics.
Using AI has its perks, it allows you to produce numerous videos rapidly and at a low cost. However, it's essential to ensure that you're not sacrificing quality for quantity. Taking a bit of extra time to review and eliminate mistakes is crucial. Remember, maintaining high-quality content is key to building trust with your audience and keeping them engaged in the long run.