Equal Rights, Equal Lefts

Why this
The name of this niche says it all: "Equal Rights, Equal Lefts." This is a male-dominated audience that believes if women claim to be as strong as men, they should also deal with the consequences. I found a channel that started only 3 weeks ago and has already achieved over 5.7M views. They use a unique format that triggers a big audience, and the best part is that competition is incredibly low. So far I've only found one other channel doing this, so the chances of success in this niche are extremely high. Disclaimer: This is a risky niche because of copyrights/reused content/limited ads claims. Because it got so many views in such a short amount of time, I decided to publish this niche anyway because even if you decide not to step into this niche, I still think you can learn a lot from it. I will get more in depth in the lets create your video section on how I would approach this niche.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
- 4. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
TLS - Fighting Spirit
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Good choice
The first clip shown connects well with what the viewer clicked for. By giving the viewer right at the beginning of your video what they clicked for, you increase the chances that they will continue watching your video. Great intro!
Speaking the same language as your target audience
'A confrontational Karen...'
What they do well here is speaking the same language as their audience. The script in this niche doesn’t need to be perfect or polished, in fact, it’s better to talk the way this competition channel does, using words like ‘Karen’ and so on. I even think it could be a bit more exaggerated because that’s what this audience really responds to. You can see this in the thumbnails as well, but I’ll get into detail about later.
Sound effects
Small details, but adding these kinds of sound effects makes the video a little more fun to watch.
Blur risky footage
To avoid problems, it is a must to blur this type of footage. Besides that, there are some other things that carry some risk within this niche, but I’ll go into more detail about those at “Let’s Create Your Video”.
This could be better
I like the part where they let her tell her story because that is exactly what triggers this target group: women who think they are just as strong or even stronger than men, talk out loud and ultimately fail. The only thing I think that could have been better is the announcement of the clip that follows. When I was watching this video, I felt like they immediately moved on to another topic because the voiceover didn't make the link right away that it was still about her. For example, they could pause the clip of her where she's telling her story, and have the voice-over say something like:
'But sometimes it's better if you just shut your mouth, and this next clip of her will show you why...': *show next clip*
That way, it's more clear that the clip is still about her, and you are giving the viewer a reason to continue watching your video.
No announcement to the next clip
To avoid problems in this niche, it's crucial to let the voice-over speak as much as possible. But that is not the only reason, because if we take a look at this timestamp they just move on to the next clip without announcing the next clip and that can increase the chance of the viewer clicking away because they don't get triggered enough. Try to trigger the viewer with hooks like this:
• But if you thought this was it, you're wrong because *announce next topic*
• Speaking of a Karen, this next woman is nothing compared to what I showed you earlier... *announce next topic*


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
TLS - Fighting Spirit
Used trigger words
- Equal Rights
- Equal Fights
- Guys
- Fight Back
- Compilation
- Aggressive Woman
- Instant Karma
Thumbnail analysis
TLS - Fighting Spirit
Used thumbnail 1

✅ Very triggering thumbnail
This thumbnail style might be shocking to some, but it works really well in this niche. The only thing you could is is some triggering text as example: INSTANT KARMA! Besides, I've noticed that all thumbnails are showing the sea in the background. I can understand why this works well because it keeps the focus on the man and woman without too much distraction from the background. But offcourse, you can also experiment with different backgrounds to see if they work as effectively as the beach setting but make sure it doesn't get too chaotic.
TLS - Fighting Spirit
Used thumbnail 2

Not bad, but...
Same thumbnail style used here, but what I noticed during my analysis, is that it looks more like the woman is attacking the man on this thumbnail, rather than the other way around. When we look at the thumbnails or videos that perform the best on our competition channel, it's clear that they tend to show the man attacking the woman, as seen in thumbnail 1. So that's why I believe we should focus on that approach in this niche because it creates a more shocking impact if a man attacks a woman than the other way around.
TLS - Fighting Spirit
Used thumbnail 3
TLS - Fighting Spirit
Used thumbnail 4
TLS - Fighting Spirit
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
TLS - Fighting Spirit
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
IMPORTANT: As mentioned before, this is a risky niche because of limited ads/copyright and reused claims. So before stepping in, please read the following instructions down below:
How to avoid copyright claims as much as possible:
1. Avoid footage from sports companies or television broadcast as much as possible, it's better to focus on clips filmed by individuals, like citizen-recorded videos because most of them don't know anything about copyrights.
2. Make sure to edit the footage as much as possible, don’t just play it as is. Place it within a frame or overlay, and break it up into smaller segments (heavy editing).
3. When it comes to fighting scenes, make sure it’s not too intense. Blur out anything with blood, a push or something similar is fine, but nothing harmful or severe.
How to avoid reused content claims as much as possible:
Reused content means that you take video content from somebody else and don't add any value to it. Which is basically what the reference channel is doing all the time. So what you need to do is:
- Keep the clips as short as possible.
- Try to edit the content as much as possible. For example:
- Freeze the video/zoom in/point arrows and let the voice-over start talking about a certain thing that happened in that clip (kind of analysis)
- Let the clip play zoomed in or in a frame so that it will be harder for YouTube to spot if you're reusing a clip.
- Make tiny cuts in the clip. For example, your clip is 15 seconds long, and you cut out second 3, second 5 and second 9. That way, it's also harder for YouTube to spot if you're reusing a clip because it's not 100% the same anymore.
How to avoid limited ads as much as possible:
Most of the time, you will receive a limited ad claim because of the fighting scenes. So make sure they're not too intense. Blur out anything with blood. A push or something similar is fine, but nothing harmful or severe.
If you receive the limited ads notification during your upload, it’s not immediately a cause for panic because it won’t harm your channel. Simply deleted the video and let your editor change the piece you think is the reason why you got this claim, and re-upload your video.
It's also possible that you'll get the notification after you uploaded your video. Then it will affect your video because the algorithm will not push your video as hard anymore and your RPM will start dropping drastically. So that's why it’s crucial to be very strategic in this niche with your editing and footage and apply the points I mentioned above to minimize these risks.
Upload your video first without your thumbnail and title, to see if your video will get a claim. If you upload your thumbnail and title with your video, and you get a claim, you don't know what caused it and by following this strategy you know it's your video or your thumbnail/title.
How to find topics?
During my analysis of our competing channel, I noticed that their content is pretty varied, but they mainly focus on 'women who talk big must also be ready to face the consequences.'
On YouTube you can also get some inspiration from the two competition channels I found in this niche. I will link these below:
• https://www.youtube.com/@fighting-sprt/videos
• https://www.youtube.com/@tlsfightingspirit/videos
TikTok is another platform you can keep an eye on for content for your channel. I searched on the keywords: men fighting women - karen vs men - karen fight men - karen gets karma - men vs woman - woman fight men - men vs woman sport.
• https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJW1mU25/
• https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJW1PDot/
• https://www.tiktok.com/@wild_karens_of_tiktok?_t=8orRZCzzT4D&_r=1
• https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJW1oxWR/
• https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJWJjCgP/
• https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJWJFs4C/
• https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJW17hrE/
• https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJWJ2Xnm/
Instagram Reels:
There are also many videos to find on Instagram for in this niche. I simply just used the search on: Equal rights, equal fights and many videos came up.
• https://www.instagram.com/reel/CF4MmR9JtjK/?igsh=MW9pc3VtbGRvcTNlZQ==
• https://www.instagram.com/p/B-amUwJFDaF/?igsh=MWVnNmNhbXV2czFrag==
• https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn7fNWIO7rM/?igsh=MWFpdHhuZ2Zldm1nZw==
• https://www.instagram.com/p/BpE3sfQnxQi/?igsh=NHNiNWNodWlsZmdt
• https://www.instagram.com/p/CDw2SQNDoH2/?igsh=MXR4djFtOWFvczlwdQ==
Articles/video references
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
When I wanted to make the thumbnail for this niche, I found out that with a program like Midjourney, it's quite difficult to make this kind of pictures because it contains too much violence. Therefore, I switched to another program, and I will explain to you below exactly what I did.
With OpenArt, you get 20 free credits with which you lose 1 credit per photo, so that means 20 free thumbnails :) I added a photo from the competition channel to OpenArt in combination with the following prompt: A man hitting a woman, he is angry, and she falls backwards and this is what came out:
Edit face
I thought the thumbnail was fine in itself, but I did notice that the facial expression of the woman's face wasn't right and the man's hand obviously didn't look natural, so I adjusted that by clicking 'edit' within OpenArt, so AI could re-generate it.

Finally, I switched to Photoshop because I wanted to add some red accent in the thumbnail, so the photo would stand out even more. Therefore, I chose to color his pants red -> Select subject -> Copy/Paste to create a new layer -> Color Overlay

Camera Raw Filter & Remove Subject
To make the thumbnail brighter, I used the Camera Raw filter to adjust the Exposure and Whiten settings. I also removed the person in the background to make the focus clearer on the man and woman in the middle.

In the end, I decided to add the text INSTANT KARMA to the thumbnail, to highlight that the woman did something to him and is now getting hit with instant karma. So eventually your thumbnail will look like this:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Highlighting the differences between men and women
this audience enjoys expressing their views on the differences between men and women. They think women should know that they are not as strong as men, and if women do think they are, they should face the full consequences of that misconception.
Women who start playing victim
This is something that really triggers this audience, which is why I mentioned it under 'what the audience likes.' So, it's important to focus on women who cause trouble/are loud, having a big mouth and are the typical 'Karens.' Even though it's actually something that irritates the target audience, that's also exactly the reason why they click. I'll tell you more about this during the analayse.
What does the audience not like?
Editing mistakes
Clips that are half shown, errors and the script that does not match what is shown is obviously not the way it is supposed to be.
Fake videos
This audience doesn't appreciate clips with obvious acting. They prefer real, unedited footage and are quick to express their opinions when something doesn't sit right with them.