History Photos

Why this
In this niche, I found a channel that started only 3 months ago and is now achieving over 3.7M+ monthly views. Besides, I was able to find a channel that is doing very well because they use a unique structure that triggers this target audience a lot. I haven't been able to find many other channels within this niche that use that same structure, so that means that the chances of success are very high. Also, it's very easy content to create and there's plenty of room for improvement. So if you like a niche that is about shocking photos from the Wild West, then this niche is definitely the one for you.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
History in Focus
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Real photo's
This is exactly what this audience wants to see: Real footage from the Wild West. I also like the effect that the editor used here, because it makes you curious about the whole photo, and that makes you want to continue watching the video longer. Especially in this niche, photos are mainly used, so it is important to add some nice effects every now and then, so the video doesn't get too boring.
Matching background music
Although I must say that I would not easily put this kind of background music under a video, I can well understand that it works well for this audience. People who are triggered by the title and thumbnail of this video about the Wild West, probably also like this kind of music, and for that reason I think the background music is a good choice.
Don't start your video like this
As you can see, they start this video by introducing the channel and immediately asking to like and subscribe. And if there is anything I would never do in a video, it is this. As a viewer, you click on a video because you are triggered by the title/thumbnail. If you do not immediately give the viewer the value they clicked for then this can cause them to leave and that is exactly the thing you want to avoid of course. Besides that, I'd never ask my audience at the beginning of the video to subscribe. Why would someone subscribe to your channel when you haven't given them anything they clicked for yet? Give them the value they are looking for first, and only then come up with that kind of questions. Even better: just don't ask at all. People subscribe to your channel if they like the content. So if you make sure that's right, the rest will follow naturally.
Bad transitions to the next case
There are no smooth transitions in the script, which causes the video to become confusing to watch. This goes on throughout the whole video, and that's really a missed opportunity if you ask me. Also, the comments have indicated that they don't like the transitions either, so this is definitely something you can improve. Use triggering hooks, give the viewer a reason so they want to see the next case as well. Some examples:
• But if you thought this was the end, you are wrong
• But this is where the story gets interesting
• But this is nothing compared to *announce next topic*
• But that was not all...
• But sadly, neither of them could ever be ready for the *announce next topic* that would come next…
Boring video editing
As the video continues, the editing becomes very predictable. The same effects are used continuously, which eventually makes it boring to watch. I don't want to say that you have to change the entire video in terms of editing, but I think that if you add a few more effects and provides more variety, it will be a lot better than how it is now. Nothing too much and too crazy, because this audience is a bit on the older side, so they still have to be able to follow it well.
No subtitles
Because we see that mainly photos are shown in this niche and the target audience is not really triggered through clips or high-quality editing, I think adding subtitles would be a good choice in this niche. This provides an additional focus point and because the target audience is somewhat older, it may be easier to follow the video better with subtitles.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
History in Focus
Used trigger words
- Circus freaks
- Rare photos
- Old photos
- History Books
- Banned
- Wild West
- Historical photos
- Shocking photos
- Wold War II
- American Civil War
- History
- Historical photographs
- Jews
- Nazi
- Horrific life
- Fascinating rare photos
- Rare historical photos
- Hidden photos
Thumbnail analysis
History in Focus
Used thumbnail 1

This thumbnail has achieved over 1.5M views....
What I like about this thumbnail is the 'shocking' picture on the left and the red elements because they stand out well. I have to say that I am not a fan of using black and white photos, because it just makes your thumbnail completely disappear when it's placed next to a colorful thumbnail. What makes this thumbnail triggering is the photo on the left. You see a man lying there with some black spots that look like bullet holes if you ask me. The text “This Was Normal in the Wild West” makes people curious and raises questions. However, the text is on the long side, so I'd definitely use a maximum of two or three words.
History in Focus
Used thumbnail 2

❌ Too much focus points
This is a good example of what your thumbnail will look like when you use more than 3 focus points. There is too much going on in this thumbnail which makes it hard to understand. Two arrows, a very long text with different colors, a circle, a red text on the top right, a woman who is blurred.... This is way too much. Try not to use more than 3 focus points, or it will become too chaotic, and you won't be able to tell the viewer what your thumbnail is about in split seconds, which may result in them not clicking on your video.
History in Focus
Used thumbnail 3

✅ Already a lot better
Arrow, circle, text. The number of focus points in this thumbnail is already much better, but the text is again on the long side. What I do like about this thumbnail is that with these photos, they can shock the target audience well. The more intense, the better.
History in Focus
Used thumbnail 4
History in Focus
Revenue analysis
The shorter videos (around 8 minutes) in this niche, will probably be a bit on the lower side, around $3 dollars. The longer videos will probably be a little higher, around $5/6
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
History in Focus
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How do I find topics?
As I mentioned during our analysis of the competitor's channel, it's important to focus on historical, rare photos from the past in this niche. Each title and topic should be about old photos, and there's a clear pattern showing that topics about the Wild West are very popular. Topics about World War II, circus freaks, and the Civil War also do well.
However, the audience for these topics seems a bit different from those interested in the Wild West. So, I suggest focusing mainly on Wild West topics, since they are more frequently covered on the competitor's channel.
Google: With Google, you can get a lot of topic inspiration by simply typing in the following keywords: Rare photos of the Wild West/ Dark Side of the Wild West/Shocking photos of the Wild West
• https://historydaily.org/unsettling-photos-that-show-the-dark-side-of-the-wild-west/4
• https://www.heraldweekly.com/photos-of-the-old-wild-west/6?xcmg=1&_d=d
• https://www.ranker.com/list/creepy-old-west-photos/kellen-perry
• https://listverse.com/2017/02/25/10-horrifying-stories-of-life-in-the-wild-west/
Reddit: Also on Reddit you can get a lot of topic inspiration and a lot of pictures are being shared.
• https://www.reddit.com/r/WildWestPics/
Since I have seen that you can find most of the information on Google, I continued my research there. Eventually I ended up with 2 articles, where I found the first one via Google Search, and the other one when I was searching for some shocking images about the Wild West. Because it's mainly about photos, you can use Google Search to find articles and also look at Google Images. This way, you can quickly decide which shocking images you want to use.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
Since I wanted to create a thumbnail with shocking pictures, I ended up on Google search and found these two pictures. What I noticed is that the most popular videos of the competition channel also show a picture on the left and the right with some text, so I'm going to use the same thumbnail structure but change the style.

Neural filter in Photoshop
As I mentioned during the thumbnail analysis, I'm not a fan of using black and white photos because it just simply causes your thumbnail to completely disappear if it's next to one with lots of color. You can very easily add color to a black and white photo in Photoshop by following these steps: Filter - Neural filter - Colorize. You will see that the auto color image is on, and in most cases it will pick up the colors correctly, but you can also adjust it manually.

Add a focus point
To further bring out the female head which is in his hands, I decided to point a red arrow at it. I also used some dark shadow behind the arrow, so that it will stand out even more.

Then I added the text and this will be the final result of the thumbnail:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
The Wild West
This audience loves to see old photos, especially those of the Wild West. When we check the competition channel later, you'll notice that topics about the Wild West are very popular. This topic stands out several times and for that reason I would definitely continue to focus on photos of the wild west, because that is what this target audience simply enjoys looking at.
Shocking Photos from the Past
Something that is extremely important to focus on in this niche is the use of rare/shocking/bizarre/historical photos. The competition channel that I'm about to show you uses a certain structure where this target audience is getting triggered by a lot, because they are so interested in looking at these old, rare photos from the past.
What does the audience not like?
Bad script
This audience finds it important that the story be told in a way that the transitions flow well together. I will go into more details about this in our video analysis in a moment, because then you will see that there is much room for improvement. Not just the weak transitions are named, as you can see, but multiple points are clearly pointed out here. This is very interesting to be aware of because these are points that you could possibly improve if you want to get into this niche.
What I have seen a lot are the negative comments about AI. It’s clear that this audience does not appreciate the use of an AI voice-over, especially when it makes mistakes like mispronouncing several words. Even if you had a good AI voice-over that doesn’t mispronounce names, this audience has made it clear that they just don't appreciate it. For that reason, I would recommend switching to a real voice-over.
Incorrect information
Spreading incorrect information in the video triggers this target group a lot. They immediately point out any mistakes in the comments. This shows that they have extensive knowledge of that era and are true fans.